
A Tale, A Tail, A Tell

That wole awake oure felawe al bihynde?
That will awake our fellow far behind us?
A theef myghte hym ful lightly robbe and bynde.
A thief might full easily rob and bind him.
See how he nappeth! See how, for cokkes bones,
See how he naps! See how, for cock's bones,
That he wol falle fro his hors atones!
That he will soon fall from his horse!
Is that a cook of Londoun, with meschaunce?
Is that a cook of London, with bad luck (to him)?
Do hym come forth, he knoweth his penaunce;
Make him come forth, he knows his penance;
For he shal telle a tale, by my fey,
For he shall tell a tale, by my faith

I have always liked Chaucer and how he describes the human condition it is fun how he takes the Tale of the Drunk Cook and he talks about him falling asleep upon his ride. I like the sound of middle english. It is like a song. This verse is symbolic of amny things falling asleep and not taking care of your business is foolish according to Chaucer. So taking that cue I did some research today at the Wake County Website and discovered that I innavertedly did not pay my county vehicle tax. Very Naughty of me! Somewhere in the insanity of registration i missplaced the bill and it did not get paid. Today it was paid and I can be relieved mindful at taking care of my business.

As for a tail...that BOY is a handful! I don't regret taking him in and he is smart as a whip! He went into my closet four nights ago and left me a nasty little gift, I sprayed the area with cleaner, desinfectant and sour apple. I hope this impedes his progress towards further delivery of nastyness. LOL!

I have no desire to date anyone. LOL!

While looking at the taxes for Wake county I was naughty and input other people's names to see what hit. It was a selfish indulgence. Have you paid off all your taxes? Watch out!!! Wake county will add a nasty notice in red under your file. Not fun, more funny!


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