
A Liberal Education

Going to school in the South of Florida is tantamount to declaring your liberalism. Miami being so permissive in its culture and people. I think the heat, the humidity makes people behave like Sodom and Gomorrah and they think its OK. I love Miami, just not its noisy crowded crazy people. While attending the University of Miami, a lovely paradise located south of the city in the City of Coral Gables. An oasis of propriety and full of academics willing to impart knowledge for a price. I learned that education was something that could not be sold or bought. I worked hard and graduated with two majors and two minors in three years. Yeah for course overloads. I was also an RA, member of the honor board and tutored student athletes.

A Liberal Arts education costs money, currently going at the rate of $35K per annum. Now you might say that is steep, but remember the true and tested adage: "You get what you pay for..." UM has wonderful recreation centers, extraordinary professors and an olympic sized pool that also serves as the most popular study hall on campus.

An incomporable bargain if you ask me, where else can you get a four year Liberal Arts degree and learn how to scuba dive, be near the beach and the cultural mecca of Florida? My friend Brownie commented on the excellent Liberal Arts education that I know have as a result of my UM experience. I agree, sometimes I am a bit spoiled and call it cocktail conversation 101.
I am able to talk about almost anything and sound intelligent and seem conversant in the academics of architecture, logic, writing, literature, history, classics and pop culture trivia.

The University of South Carolina was a maturing ground. Nice to know that there is such a thing as a finishing school for gentlemen.

Had lunch with Brownie. He seems to be a bit frazzled. He'll be OK. Gave him a Copy of In a Million Pieces. I hope he reads this excellent book. I finished reading this book and believe it to be a good book, paiful in detail of the illness but thorough, concise and clear of consequences for all those involved. I have to read it again.


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