
After Five Long Years

My advisee and pain in the ass dstudent has declared a mojor: Whoohoo! I am working at Borders tonight. Here is the residence hall where I spent three lovely years. They are known as Hecht residential College, just like the department Store ( Same Family) and Standford College.
It was 1986, fall and I had just arrived on campus. I took two years 84-86 to decide what to go to college for, what course of study to undertake. I never committed to much so this was a big decision. So I arrive on campus and they shove me into the New Honors program and residential college. I am excited because none of those mean spirited kids from high school would be there in Miami.

Wrong! The floor was comprised of 21 rooms mostly singles, guess what they had all gone to my highschool. We hard a rocky start but after a couple of weeks and searching through my yearbook, they realized I was one of them, snooty brats who lived in NMB.


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