
Moonbase Alpha

Did my work at Borders, I shelved 3 carts and organized a third. I like shelving there is a Zen to it. You doing alone and you place the books in order then you proceed to the section and alpha them by author, voila ce's t done.

I had a good class yesterday at ADACS, I learned about behaviors and judgement another eye opener. Had chai with Brownie. He's well. New anxieties, kinda like the moon fractured, cratered but contained in a celestial dust bin. I think of him, but mostly the focus is getting myself right. I need to go to church, I miss it. With all this work, I wonder why is it that I turned from my sprirtual side.

I have finally figured that sometimes you have to take a look away from what you love before you can truly say you love it or like it. I will call Brownie later on Moday invite him over for steak and a movie. He'll escape his little space for a few hours, good therapy.


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