
Turning in Time & Effort Sheets

Every month I have to submit to the grant writer proof of my deeds. Basically an hourly accounting of what I did each month. This is not my favorite thing to do but I manage to do it the week prior to the submission deadline. My boss Ms. summers in the fall, always manages to missplace it. Now I say always because without failure every month she says: " Oh Lordy, Morell I don't know what I did with it! I know you turn it in but I can't find it. Why is that this happens every month????"

I stand there speechless for what the little voice which we never hear outloud is screaming: "Look you crazy bitch, maybe if you cleaned off your desk you would find it and the ones from the past six month and your missing grandkid!!" However what I say is more like: "I don't know misstress, me thinks there is a black hole that has swallowed the form" She usually laughs and asks me to print out a new one.

I of course gladly to do it. Deep in my mind I know that it will not affect my payment or the disbursement of my salary, but I don't want to tempt fate.

Yesterday my co-worker, Barky got promoted to the coordinator for testing. I am happy for her, worried, but happy. She has been placed under the tutelage of the evil Sith Lord Darth Bullhock. Darkness lies within the force of that one. She is the Sith Lord of micromanagemet and frustration.

Brownie gave me such good council to weave my way out of a posible nasty situation of going under Darth Bullhocks command. He told me to reveal my crazyness to one of her former underlings and that she would gossip and then I would not have to face her darkness. It worked like a charm. I am the crazy Puertorican, toiling away in the corner office with the good view. Who is the sucka now!


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