
The Sweet Pup goes Evil

Well she is too much. Love her but I am happy her dad is taking her home. She didn't poop. I am a stickler for doggies gotta poop. For them to just not poop is not right. Needless to say, when she finally did the dastardly deed it was as if she had saved some from days previous. I had a peaceful languid sunday evening and I enjoyed sitting at home reading a marvelous book... A Home at the End of the World. Last night I spoke to glenn after 12 mindnight. Glenn is a bit interesting a connundrum wrapped in a sundried tomato tortilla. I wanted to tell him that it was nice to hear his voice, but the lack of clarity to his purpose for calling failed me. He said he knew Markus, that poor desperate souls he seeks without hesitancy to replace his lost heart.
I guess they didn't hit it off could it be the ashtray aftertaste of his langurious kisses. Ha! I think that could be it no malice towards you Markus but you cannot play a player. Just so we are clear, I am a serial monogamist, and I enjoy doing my deed one at a time. Simple mind, simple people, simple deeds.

So go find yourself whomever you are pretending to be, as of today, you are sad and alone think why, for those who weave a web to deceive are doomed to relive their lies. Enjoy!


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