
Sleeping Restfully

Sleeping peacefully and in still repose. Delight unequalled in these territories. I am off to work the test. My centeredness has returned. I am calm, cool and collected just like I was 21 and the UM residence Hall fire alarm is going off. I know what to do, how to assist my students to evacuate and I am ready to perform all my duties. I feel steady without a flinch for my task ahead.

Izzy is busy with trying to get his career going. Dan is good new home, bless him. Rog is less self centered but more focussd on God, MelKat are here and present, Mike is growing in his doubt of all things, Black is black, Blueyes is forgiven and away, Markus is distant and searching, the ex is silent for all these things be it praised to him elohim.


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