
The Analysis

Well I am not a substance abuser. Not even an ocassional user. LOL! I had to pay$100, which a kind soul has lent me to hear those words. I cannot describe how Despondent this makes me feel. Againg thank you Blueyes, I want to ask you for a hug or something to let you know that I will be OK. Thanks Rogir for your comforting words, they were right and needed. Slept really restless. I need a freaking HUG!

I also tols Blueyes that I was going to re-start my routines, will dine with Black in the morrow. All is better not just right, but better.

How can an anchor go adrift...

The waves of uncertainty have posessed the anchor which I guard it has been set adrift in a maelstrom of difficulties. I pray to find calmer water and ask God to see that I am still his child. I look toward the towers of water that befall me. I accept his grace swiftly as my boat is rocked violently. I wake constantly from my dreams no longer searching but knowing that the storm will pass. My anchor is Christ, I will always have that in my life.


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