
Gotta BOY!

Guess what? I got me a Jack Russell. He is one year old and his former family abandoned him to my care. His name is boy and he is a sweetie! He tells you when he needs to go out, he is crate trained. Boy loves playing and lounging around and he loves to kiss. Even Izzy liked Boy, he found him fun and playful.

Well today's topic is Markus, I hope you still read this rambling. What is the deal with you hon... I've heard through the grapevine that you've hit bottom figuratively and literally. The POT thing was and issue but more at hand was the lying, dude... children lie to cover their mistakes, you just lie because it is a habit. Stop the insanity dude, put the bong down, get a therapist, yes ; I know they are way expensive and stop this psycho serial screwing around. Half of Raleigh had your ass the other half hates it. Remember Karma, boo. Yes, I have spoken to Glenda and a few others who you did during, after and before our little short dates.

Separated at Birth?????
As for doing Bareback....do you really hate yourself that much?!?!? This is a quick way to ge the virus, for a smart guy you are sure on your way to earn a Darwin award, but sadder yet how about all the people you have infected? Think, then ACT.


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