
Freeing Up my Weekend

Today I have to go to class so my Saturday is more maneageable. I am working late on Wednesday, doing an academic study skills presentation. Then I work Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Borders. On Thursday I am going off to NCSU to a statewide Latino conference on recruitment. Here is a picture of Boy and he is cute.

I think I will work on teaching him some dog tricks. Boy knows who is the alpha in the house and he always come to me on bended knee. The good thing is that he is a quick learner. He knows the new schedule for walk and he is very sweet at bedtime. He knows when its crate time and he seems to burrow in there when he had done something bad. So far nothing that can't be fixed.

Tonight Mr. Boy did a whole collection of dokkies in my closet this is the second time. What is the attraction to my wardrobe? I had to give him a time-out and did not treat him to treats or spent time hugging him like he likes. Last night I went to my Yoga class. I had to watch the same horrid video and I was bored out of my mind. I know the point of this is education but Whew!


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