
Go Cocks!

The city of Columbia South Carolina is best known for its pockets of verdant greenery and massively constructed cement sidewalks. No other city is like Columbia. Planned by our friend Henry Latrobe in the late 18th century. The city was a vision of civility, charm and history; however the architectural execution of these plans falls a bit short from the blueprint.

Go COCKS! is the rally cry for the schools theme. Funny enough I didn't get the double entendre until a classmate explained it to me. When I was growing up in Puerto Rico Cockfights were a thing of everyday and they were even televised. The Melimel came into my life this way, a sweet heiress from Atlanta Georgia who was there to get her Mrs. but ended finding her true self. Today she lives 1 block from me with her lesbonic lover Kamy.

I had a qiuet evening, watched tv until I was comatose. Talk with Izzy briefly. My knee scar is itchy. Took benadryl to stop the scratching, fell asllep early.


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