
One year and over three hundred posts Later

Excellent read, a bit sad and disturbing but the kid rreminds me of my nephew Joshua Alec. There is no mystery that remains uncovered by my Nephew.
I cannot believe a year long record of my life lives on the web. Forgive me if I say so myself: Brilliant!


One Year and Happy Anniversary My Blog!!!!

One year ago I decided to keep this record of my daily life I cannot believe it has been this long. Left VM for Brownie said Hi! He is running crazy trying to get his last huzzah! at Weinners and Rafael. He told me he is running to the mountains. i said: You go Maria VonTrapp run for the hills. He found is very funny. Spoke with Dan all is well. Still thinking of what could of been, maybe moving on is not the easiest thing to do. I asked Izzy to clean more around the house, a boring thing to do but it helps the time pass and less mischieef is possible. As for el trabajo pueas no mucho happening here, pre reg chaos is managed.


The Revenge of Sibyll

After working Borders I know why I do not do retail FT. It really is no fun. The boss is back thus the title. I have realized that my supv has MPD. So far I have counted five separate personas: The diva queen, Captain Ahab, Archie Bunker, herself, and granny clampett. All are very distinct and they have their own vernacular and expressions more observations of her MPD's to follow.

Hable con el jefe hoy. Espero que se encuentre mejor. Paque son los amigos sino pa animarte.


All is Fine

A very quiet day. Busy, all my appointments arrived and I was able to complete 20 meetings. I am tired but nothing new for registration. Since I have been working out I do have more energy but I know that I will sleep soundly tonight. I haven't heard from Brownie which means all misschief is managed. I saw this dumb ass pic and thought only Paris would be so dense as to ride a lawnmower around like a golf cart.

I had dinner with Izzy and we made pigs of ourselves I was so full I waddled to my bed and forgot Mr. Boy outside. Thanks to Izzy doggie rescued. Dan's dog is a whole other story not the smartest thing, cute but really a bit of a clod.


No Jefe

No ha habido ningun mensaje de mi amigo el Jefe. Hoy estuvo muy callado en la oficina ya que la Srta. Invierno no esta aqui porque su espalda esta adolorida. Me da mucha pena pero es verdad que es mejor recuperarse en su casa que en el trabajo.

la Srta. Rush vino a visitarme y me pregunto que era el problema con la Srta. invierno. Le dije que era manosa. La Srta. Rush se rio.

Today was steady but not too busy. I have carefully set up the meetings for the rest of the week with my advisees. I had to re-schedule a few due to no shows and such. At the dinner last night, we organized the table with a formal setting best suited to a three course meal. It was nice.


Finding Little Voice

This wwekend was good. Yesterday habitat today resting with Boy and having a grand time at Dave Blacks. We had a dinner with all the guys and chatted up the night. Want to sleep in late but tomorrow it is monday.

I finally listened to the little voice and i have taken a stand for justice in my workplace. I will not stand idly and watch her treat me or tohers like crap without consequences. The recogning of little voice is here.


Weekie Ende

I have decided to write the national of DELTA to inform of the scurrilous nature of a certain pledge. It is not out of malice but out of respect for Greek orgs. I was invited to pledge many times in undergrad as well as I have had the opportunity and fortune to be asked by grad chapters. Greek life is an excellent lifetime experience that I respect too much to see it besmirched by a selfish, unaware person who doesn't care about the integrity and honor of greek life.


Finally Friday

Friday at last. I have been going full steam all week an Friday finally arrives. Tomorrow I am taking my class to do community service with Habitat for Humanity. I cannot wait to drop off my students at 5 pm and enjoy the rest of my day.


The Hits Just Keep Coming

Funny enough yesterday was a pisser of a day. My boss treated me like a stranger and I am tired of it. I will not confront a 60 year old former school marm who should know the proper office decorum. I did speak to the appropriate channels and made sure that they knew what she is up to. Then worse of all, my case is posponed. I definitely needed a diversion. Chatted with Chili and voila la diversion est posible. I was happy to get out from the stress. Emailed Jefe, I heard from him later on and he is well. Izzy is recovering from his accident and Brownie surprised us with a lovely gift bag. Long day finally rested at 12 AM.


The Jury is in

Today I found out my fate. Today the judge was favorable and so was the officer but we ran out of time. What the heck! I really am desponded and disolute about this whole situation. I am tired of going to court for the same shiite! I got to the office and then my creepy boss is acting as I have kaka on the top of my head. She actually grunted at me. What the hell is a 60 year old woman acting so stupid for. I am tired of her behaviors and dealing with her Sybilitude. She has a new personality for every 5 degree change in the weather. I had to call her boss and report this extreme bullshit. I will not put up with it, I am back to being feisty and not being a welcome mat.


T-1 Daggit!

One day to court. Brownie's case is solved and accordingly dispossed of! Now tomorrow is mon chance. I am excited that we will go before a favorable judge. I am hoping to see what the final decision is for this last act of faith. After six months I am not likely to get another continuance. I have done all the necessary work to expiate my sins. I know Brownie offered to come with me, but I have decided to forgo his counsel and plod alone on this issue.

Izzy got into a car accident he is OK broke up with Bibby. Now I am wondering when will the next shoe drop.


100 Things about me

100. My Real Name is GeorgeKenneth Judah Ben Judah Morell Orta Narvaez Irrizary.
99. I once gave a $10 tip to my hairstylist because she's great.
98. When I was two months old, I fell out of a moving car.
97. My favorite vegetable is corn.
96. My first movie star crush was Roger Moore in James Bond's Octopussy.
95. My first sexual experience was around 10 with a cousin who was babysitting me.
94. I figured I was gay pretty early on...6-7 years of age.
93. I had my first crush on a guy in 2nd grade.
92. I often blame my best friend Melissa for turning me gay. She's a lesbian.
91. I confirmed I was gay in gradschool making out with Norris.
90. I have worked at McDonalds, Zayre's, Hoffritz, Cookie Company, Bally Fitness, Mercedes Benz dealer, Borders, World Market and various Colleges.
89. My father is still alive but as of 1995 we do not speak. His choice.
88. It is not painful anymore, but it hurt to be lied to.
87. I once got wood while watching Tom Jones on TV I was five.
86. I am allergic to seafood, shellfish, freshly cut grass.
85. I miss my 1st Jack Russell Montana.
84. If given the choice gay or straight. I would choose; Gay.
83. In the 80's I had a jewfro, then I parted in the middle, finally ending with a caesar.
82. I Once tried piercing my nipples professionally, My body was allergic to the surgical steel.
81. I have visited the state capitols of IA, FL, NE, MO, IL, NC, SC, MA, GA, TN, KS, AR, CA, NV, AZ, NJ, DE, VA, PA, WV, KY, WI, MN, PR, TX, MI, MD, DE, IN & OH.
80. I want to retire in Charleston, SC.
79. I have excellent recall of my childhood and specific conversations.
78. I scored 140 in my IQ test when I was 12 years old. My parents kept the results hidden until I was 21.
77. I skipped college algebra and took three separate courses in Logic.
76. I have presented in front of an audience of 500 people.
75. I have volunteered for Habitat for Humanity over ten times.
74. I have personally met President Carter, Mickey O'Rourke and Jerry Lewis.
73. My favorite porn star is Zak Spears.
72. Jefe is the Hottest guy I have ever met online.
71. Vehicles owned Dodge Dart, Mercedes 280SEL 4.5, Honda Accord, Ford Escord,
Subaru, Saturn SL1.
70. Cruise ships & the motion of the sea makes me projectile vomit.
69. Foreplay is not optional.
68. I was outed to the entire family by my uncle Lenny at dinner.
67. I don't like eating dinner at a table.
66. My family knows I am gay and they deal with it.
65. I know more than I care to admit about wine, waterford & Baccarrat.
64. I have never gambled over $20 at a time.
63. Given the choice of wrecking the car or hitting Bambi...were eating venison tonight.
62. I have tasted Venison, Buffalo Duck, Quail,and Ostrich.
61. I have all of my wisdom teeth, Boca gigante!
60. In a fight, I had my mandible dislocated.
59. The sight of blood makes me freak out.
58. I have an unusual fear of spiders and little people.
57. I can cook criollo food (PR & Cuban), Tex/Mex & American Fare.
56. I can order from the menu in Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
55. I deferred admissions to Law School due to not wanting to fulfill my father's dreams.
54. I do not care about pleasing people for their sake.
53. I am a feisty son of a bitch according to an ex who had control issues.
52. When my Grandfather was dead he came to visit me and told me I would be OK.
51. I dislike Hillarity Clinton, she is a BIMBO.
50. I believe in justice and social equity but not at the expense of our constitution.
49. I rarely cry.
48. People Magazine is utterly semantic tripe, I cannot go through a checkstand without reading it.
47. I speed read.
46. I consider myself an expert in study skills.
45. I have a Bachelors and a Master's degree and desire a PhD.
44. At a barfight I would like to have my brother next to me.
43. I've bottomed once, Steve got my 1st time.
42. I've only been in deep knock your down momma love once. Brownie.
41. For that I committed a crime.
40. I am trusting until given the opportunity and proof not to be that way.
39. I once went to lunch at one of my jobs and never returned.
38. I love my belly.
37. I would never share toothbrushes or underwear.
36. My favorite champagne is Bollinger.
35. I secretly desire to be Patsy of Ab Fab.
34. I am a fiercely loyal friend.
33. I am honest to a fault, I live, relish & celebrate my truth.
32. I fall asleep faster when I spoon with someone I like.
31. I love my new Jack Russell Boy.
30. All my friends share their deep dark secrets with me. I lock them in the vault, I never share friends secrets with others.
29. I have the keys to all my friends houses.
28. I prefer to sleep naked.
27. I shred quadricept muscle & had it re-attached.
26. I have been forbidden by all my friends to cut my own grass.
25. I hate working out I do it for my heart.
24. Sometime I am lonely and I prefer it that way.
23. The best part of a guy are his eyes.
22. I can swim like a dolphin.
21. I was born in NYC Sloan Kettering Hospital.
20. I have seen the majesty and beauty of the Grand Canyon.
19. I hate suspension bridges, the engineering marvels me but I imagine myself in the bottom of the bay as fish food.
18. I dated Melissa for a couple of weeks in Grad school.
17. I have been to the top of the Sears Tower and John Hancock Building.
16. My nose bleeds due to the lack of humidity.
15. My mom and dad were bohemian liberals.
14. I like men with short hair.
13. I like anglo men who can kiss and speak spanish.
12. My ex and I still speak.
11. I believe in God but I am suspect of organized religion.
10. I like my office space.
9. I love my three bdrm, ranch house.
8. I am lucky to have the best friends in the world, they are my 2nd family.
7. I do not steal, hate thiefs & liars.
6. I have no interest in death or funerals.
5. I am afraid of Germs.
4. My favorite Zinfandel is old vine.
3. I believe God has a plan for me, just not quite certain of it.
2. I once had a cat: Enigma.
1. I never loved my dad.

Estoy viendo La Mala Ecucacion. Me recuerda mucho a momentos cuando yo fui al colegio. Atendi el colegio de la fundacion discipulos de Cristo. Queria ir a la academia Santa Rosa pero yo pues no era material para la iglesia catolica. Mi homosexualidad latente iba a causar muchisimos problemas con Padre Dominick y Fraile Jose Ferrer. Las profesoras del colegio eran muy extrictas y tenian muchisimas reglas. Sus intensiones eran buenas pera me agobiava tener que respetar ese fracatan de reglas y codices que demandaban nuestros instructores. La peor parte fue que yo siempre me senti fuera de serie en el colegio.


Weather For Ya

The WeatherPixie

The never ending good weather is about to depart. No hice nada hoy, fui a la casa de Blackwell trate de responder a las llamades de Brown pero sin algun resultado. Pues el esta de forma muy rara. No he escuchado del Jefe. Quizas no me hablara, porque su tiempo esta consumido co sus estudios. No me gusta herirle. No lo digo pero soy muy sentimental ocasionalmente conosco a una persona que tiene una alma brillante este tio pues tiene eso. Si todo estaria igual me molestaria no escuchar su voz y tocar su cara con mis labios ardientes. El me ha dicho que soy sensual en mi forma de expresarme. La verdad es que el puede desatar una pasion que se ha sumergido en mi ser desde hace muchos anos. Bueno sonar es bonito pero se que esprar para pajaritos prenados es mucho.


Mostly True

When I was a kid growing up in Puerto Rico I had a bit of a dilema with my fascination for Dolly Parton and Miss Piggy. I found them both equally interesting and pretty but for different reasons. Needless to say this disturbed my parents horribly and they signed me up to be a cub scout which I stayed in until I was a wolverine. Maybe that is why I like bears, cubs and wolverines. Who knows.

Getting eyes checked I am overdue some serious eye benefits.


Closing Da Store

Tonight I close at Borders and I would rather be on a beach, stiing under an umbrella just reading a lovely classic and watching the boys run at the seashore.

Skipped the office drama, went to wo with Izzy and had a lovely Oakwood Cafe, then haircut and Borders. Contacted Brownie was going to see but the Saw brothers just popped in unnanounced. Need to re-schedule with Brownie. I did not want Dave lecturing my bud Brownie about anything.


Adopted a Nano pet

adopt your own virtual pet!

Now this is wicked cool check out the other Nanos that can be adopted.m Worked Borders, boring night. I spoke with Brownie seemed busy. Talked with Izzy.


A little bit of Compassion for Thee

So far its been quiet the kiddies are gone for the week and we are here watching the paint dry. I wish I was home with my mom Mourning Uncle Martin. Alas, I lack the desire to trek to hot, humid and overcrowded Florida. Spoke with Black he might be flying to FL and he wanted to know if I would come with, I said tentatively yes. Private planes are nice, wish he had a jet but oh well. Trust fund boy needs to visit mamere and have a little chat about why she's slowly driving me nuts.


More Blunt for Ye

News from Izzy and Bibi the talks are ongoing. I wish them well but like all young love, it burns most hot at first and it wanes as the flame flickers into nothingness. It is normal to see how any relationship has a normal progression from sheer fascination to absolute oblivion. Last night I watched the final episode for season two of BSG. Great show. Loved it.

I did my best to keep work at a pace at Borders. Bibi & Izzy came by to visit. Also Black came by to buy himself an outlook guide to XP. Spoke with Brown, wavering on his recent decision to Move from Wickers and Rathernell. I told him Man screw your courage he giggled. Bibi & Izzy sat and chatted had some Coffee, I guess they are working things out. I am happy, now if they only cleaned it would be ideal but both have ratty jobs that leave them exhausted or maybe they are just perezosos. I was so bored I sped read Latter Days. Mormon boy meets gay boy on a mission. Sweet and scandalous. Interesting book, I want to see the film. I went to workout after Borders. Hit my zen around 11:30 then dragged my ass home for a good chat & rest.


The Walk off from Zoolander

I woke up early got the dog fed and walked got my gym bag. Saw Izzy looked like monkey poop, I guess no sleep. Dahling be a dear get those bags under your eyes away from your ears....Got to work at 7:50 AM then the heat took over. It was miserable all day. I feel a rash overcoming me. I am not planning to work out. I feel heat exhaustion shit! I cannot understand how even without running the heat this building feels like 90 degrees and humid as frack!


Buon Giorno

It is nice and quiet at home today. Izzy and Bibi were out until aww 6 am poor Darlings. Well fuck it gotta be up to go to Borders and I ain't gonna accomodate their party schedule got chore to do so I washed like a demmon. Got ready for Borders closed the shop. I give up with the saw brothers though I tell them my schedule they are best clueless. Love them but really. Separated all utility Bills for my lovely CPA Melissa. It will be quiet until next week whereupon the panic and misery of midterm results will take over.


Paid the Bills

Lotsa electronic Lincolns mailed away today. What a royal pain in the ass this was. Worked Borders mid shift had allergy to something. Lunch with Brownie who told me his big secret. Took teo benadryls and came hoe and crashed. Awoke at 8 pm and the Chili asked me to go poke around in the Barn. So I came over we listened to music did some excercising and then ate. A good time was had by all. When my head wa clear I drove home and slept until 8 am sunday.


Going to The Doctor

My getting up to pee at night has gotten more and more frequent going to have the Dr. Check me out. Wanted to stay home and sleep in didn't went to to work knowing that today would be like and endless night.. Not much to do or see. The only good thing is that I get to see Battlestar tonigh and then I have to wait until the Fall for the next season of the series. I have few shows I watch regularly, buBSG is a bit of a cult hit and I enjoy the writting and spaceopera.

Well BSG was awesome the shit hit the fan. I am so impressed with the writing who would have thunk? The whole thing was awesome. The Cylons made the government established on New Caprica by President and "honorable" Dr.Gauis Baltar who was busy doing absolutetly nothing. The rag tag fleet and Battlestars proceeded to engage the FTL drives and did a blind jump away from 90% or remaining humanity about 39K were left behind Holy FRACK!

The Cylon 6 from Caprica breaks it down...we are going to take careof humanity since you are unable to doo some and will eventually estinguish yourselfs through your acts of violence or aggression. New Caprica is now occupied by Cylons, Starbuck is married, Helo is on Board Galactica and Baltar pimps humanity by surrendering all inhabitants of New Caprica. WoW!


Borders Again

I like Mr. Adlers pottery. Today I work at Borders and need to get with it, I have been in a funk all week due to My uncle Martin's departure. I spoke with Izzy and we got the rent and I am ready to pay the bills. The fun thing about being an adult is taking care of business. Mr. Brownie finally toldme that his case was dispossed. I sorta new since he no longer appeared on the Judco docket. One down one to go. Slept rather well knowing that all had been taken care of by Dement. Next aparition is March 22. Students trickle into my office to set appointments.


Way Gay But I really want one/Martin Rum Runner

The cap has a spot for my shuffle. It definitely rank under practical but could I pull it off with dark glasses. I wonder....

Martin my uncle by Marriage to my aunt Aida has passed on. He had cancer was in remission and then it came back soon thereafter the notice he had a heart attack. Could it had been the news of the return of the cancer that cause the heart attack? We will not know. Grandpa Alfred did not like Martin, he was not good enough for precious Aida. Aida was a beauty to behold and bewitch any man. She has hazel green eyes just like mine. She is my favorite aunt. She is crazy like the rest of my line but at least she's conversational crazy. Her brains are of wondrous interest to me.

Martin worked for Citibank in Puerto Rico he was in charge of the cleaning crews who did the main offices in Hato Rey a suburb of San Juan. Martin was tall 6'2 with blue eyes and jet black hair and whiter than snow, we used to kid him because he tanned so poorly he would turn crimson red like a tomato, but loved working on his little plot of land that was next to our house. He was not a man of great intelligence, simple, uncomplicated many would say common.

Also very practical, he had coinceived with his previous wife a child with down's syndrome and he had his testes tubes cut. He never told Aunt Aida that he had done this, this is after years of trying to have a baby. I guess he did not want to run the chance of briging a down's kid home. The genetic material in his family had crossed over a couple of times. I remember as a child visiting his family in Corozal , in the interior hill country of Puerto Rico. All his brothers and sisters looked alike and they even had one locked up in a room. I think now that I reflect upon the experience his locked up brother had down's also.

But Martin was resourceful, he saved his money and went to the Virgin Islands and purchased some rum and cigarrettes duty free. You can only imagine that this man who did not smoke or drink did soon thereafter. He began purchasing extra tickets and took aunt Aida. Later mom and dad and aunt Esther got into the racket served as mules and they were bringing over duty free cigs and rum from USVI. It is a miracle that the PR revenue department never caught on. Martin would sell the rum and cigs below retail and pocket the money made to pay for more mules to carry his purchases.

Martin's house was one house over and accross from ours. He took great pride in his home, his cars and his stereo. I remember vividly walking into his house and seeing the stereo, Technics that he had just bought on it he was playing Donna Summer and the song was MacArthur Park.

He did not always like us kids. All 7 of us male boys running around the street and living in the houses that my gradfather Alfred insisted we live in. I got along with Martin, and never disliked him. He always had some smart aleck remark to make and when dad would become abusive I would hide accross the street listen to music and talk with Martin. Aunt Aida thought that he was a bit immature but he really was a good man. He never hurt me, or treated me different because I was gay.

When I graduated from high school he came over from Puerto Rico and now that I think of it he was there for my college graduation and My masters. Shit! He really did care about me. I am so sad to have lost him. All my elders are wanning slowly going away.

Brownie called me and we spoke on the phone for an hour or so. He was cleared and charges dropped on Feb. 22. I did know this informally through the court calendars. I think he tried to play the you know I told you but I know his wiley ways of deceipt and obfuscation.

Spoke with Stevo-ex and he is doing well still living through his work and he has a doggie now. I think that is good company. I told him about Martin since he knew my uncle.


Borders Tonight

No day long Conference in Chapel Hill. Today the other shoe fell got email from el Jefe, un poco brusco y no esperado. Pero estoy bien. Lo que me deprime es la muerte de mi tio Martin. Mi mama me acaba de informar que mi tio Martin ha fallecido. Me da una pena grandisima perder otro hombre que fue como mi padre. Siempre haciendo un chiste y tenia un buen corazon. Nos hace falta.
I am working at Borders tonight. I don't know how but I will muster on. I must talk with Mom about her text. It really brough me down.

No call from Brownie so I gets the rat's back in the race.


Da Bois R Back

Dan and Black return today from their Journey to Panama. I hope they both received the R & R that they sought. Picked up Dan & Black, got a wake up call from Brownie spoke to Rog. As I can tell, the boys had fun. Brownie is back to the grind and Roge is doing well. So why do I feel like something bad is about to happen. I better call mom. Brownie said maybe dinner but I know better not to hold my breath. As for el Jefe recibi una respuesta tercia, creo que soy muy sensitivo pero empuje el sobre hasta la frontera. no esperaba respuesta. Pero voy ha estar bien. Quizas me quiera ver cuando vuelva de Cayo Hueso. Le desee un buen viaje y que os divierta.


Pax Ursina

Resting and enjoying a day off. Dan and Black return to the fold tomorrow and I play pick up taxicab to help them. Finished the rugs, got no help from Izzy and binky. The whole party thing continues. At some point it is going to sink in that all those nights partying are just wasted away. Got ready for Mondayy. I like my job more than before but I am still searching. I need to be in a positive and constructive environment whereupon I can unleash my ideas. Dan called me from FTL, seems like they are headed back tomorrow.


James Blunt

I think James Blunt Musically has a tone that is not only a delight to listen to but the words to his music hit me emotionally in many ways. The pronouns do not matter since what James is singing about is universal.

Went today with my tutees and students to Habitat for Humanity. I am looking forward to doing this community service project.

The project turned out great, we accomplished work that they needed in the re-use center for a month. I stayed home and relaxed from a busy week. Began moving boy into the walk in closet and began doing the cleaning of the rug. I had to vacuum four times to make sure Boys hair was not embeded in the rug.


A Fraken Magnet

Be careful what you ask for. Dan asked me what did I desire from Panama and I said a magnet. Guess what I got.... Go figure the man is truly an ex marine literal to a fault.

Rue dans dog is sick I had to call in the emergency back up and Rog stepped in to help. Because the dog has a nasty cough I cannot house him. I wish I could but I don't want my doggie to get sick after getting him back to full force after his rescue. I e-mailed el Jefe. No tengo respuesta. Me gusta que no hay pretension. En su embriagadez me dijo que todavia ama a su novio. No se que hacer porque eso es muy natural. Yo todavia amo a Estaban pero de una distancia. No le miento al Jefe, pero tampoco le quiero decir mucho de esto.


What the Frack!

I was browsing e-bay and this item came up. I was mildly amused but then I thought what kind of sicko would wear a costume and then auction off as new. It was a Japanese man so who knows, maybe it won't be too worn. I definitetly go to bid for it.

Meeting with El Jefe for Dinner tonight. I hope he likes the PR food. Simple but filling.

El Jefe fue muy sincero conmigo, me cae muy bien. Tiene una sonrisa infalible, el se rie de carcajadas y me siento fundido y perdido en frente de el. Su sinceridad y me hace sentir confortable. Tiene una sensibilidad latina pero es todo anglo en sus manerismos y no le quiero decir adios porque me hace las estrellas en mi ser brillar. Hace mucho tiempo que la luz no se ve de las tinieblas. La personalidad de jefe le da un brillo muy especial.

El Jefe me toco la guitarra y canto dos canciones para mi. Estuve enrapturado por su voz y las palabras the su segunda cancion. Es muy facil ver en el corazon de una persona sensible. Sus besos son de vainilla y coco dulces, suave. Pienzo de el de vez en cuado pero no quiero enamorarme de el.

Me quede la noche porque bebi vino y cerveza. Hizimos el amor y el fue iniciado a la pasion. Despues de el acto el se sintio confundido y creo que vi lagrimas en sus ojos. Pues fui su primera pareja que lo follase. Parece que el estaba confundido y me dijo "yo puedo pero no puedo enamorarme de ti". No se si fue el momento apropiado pero mi boca se abrio y produje un ejemplo de logica infalible para refutar su acersion.

No quiero ser cruel, siento una pasion inestiguible para el Jefe. Me hace los labios estremecer y me llena de una pasion casi feral, pero el tiene su vida, y yo tengo la mia, tampoco puedo esperar mucho de una amistad temporal.

Spoke with Brownie yesterday wished him a safe trip to TN.


Things My Ipod will Never Get To DO!!!

Guess which one is A Thong??? Toilet Paper Dispenser, Chaise Lounge, I Pod In My Shorts?? I Pod VIBRATOR, Very Scary!
On the top is what I am reading.

Spoke with Brownie he seems ready to get out of Raleigh for the weekend. I am happy for him and his escape. It is good for him. Dan's dog is Ill and I cannothouse him due to Rue's contagious kennel cough. Rog has decided to help. I am not calling Dan at $16 a minute. He cannot make any progress towards returning here prior to his monday arrival.