
Way Gay But I really want one/Martin Rum Runner

The cap has a spot for my shuffle. It definitely rank under practical but could I pull it off with dark glasses. I wonder....

Martin my uncle by Marriage to my aunt Aida has passed on. He had cancer was in remission and then it came back soon thereafter the notice he had a heart attack. Could it had been the news of the return of the cancer that cause the heart attack? We will not know. Grandpa Alfred did not like Martin, he was not good enough for precious Aida. Aida was a beauty to behold and bewitch any man. She has hazel green eyes just like mine. She is my favorite aunt. She is crazy like the rest of my line but at least she's conversational crazy. Her brains are of wondrous interest to me.

Martin worked for Citibank in Puerto Rico he was in charge of the cleaning crews who did the main offices in Hato Rey a suburb of San Juan. Martin was tall 6'2 with blue eyes and jet black hair and whiter than snow, we used to kid him because he tanned so poorly he would turn crimson red like a tomato, but loved working on his little plot of land that was next to our house. He was not a man of great intelligence, simple, uncomplicated many would say common.

Also very practical, he had coinceived with his previous wife a child with down's syndrome and he had his testes tubes cut. He never told Aunt Aida that he had done this, this is after years of trying to have a baby. I guess he did not want to run the chance of briging a down's kid home. The genetic material in his family had crossed over a couple of times. I remember as a child visiting his family in Corozal , in the interior hill country of Puerto Rico. All his brothers and sisters looked alike and they even had one locked up in a room. I think now that I reflect upon the experience his locked up brother had down's also.

But Martin was resourceful, he saved his money and went to the Virgin Islands and purchased some rum and cigarrettes duty free. You can only imagine that this man who did not smoke or drink did soon thereafter. He began purchasing extra tickets and took aunt Aida. Later mom and dad and aunt Esther got into the racket served as mules and they were bringing over duty free cigs and rum from USVI. It is a miracle that the PR revenue department never caught on. Martin would sell the rum and cigs below retail and pocket the money made to pay for more mules to carry his purchases.

Martin's house was one house over and accross from ours. He took great pride in his home, his cars and his stereo. I remember vividly walking into his house and seeing the stereo, Technics that he had just bought on it he was playing Donna Summer and the song was MacArthur Park.

He did not always like us kids. All 7 of us male boys running around the street and living in the houses that my gradfather Alfred insisted we live in. I got along with Martin, and never disliked him. He always had some smart aleck remark to make and when dad would become abusive I would hide accross the street listen to music and talk with Martin. Aunt Aida thought that he was a bit immature but he really was a good man. He never hurt me, or treated me different because I was gay.

When I graduated from high school he came over from Puerto Rico and now that I think of it he was there for my college graduation and My masters. Shit! He really did care about me. I am so sad to have lost him. All my elders are wanning slowly going away.

Brownie called me and we spoke on the phone for an hour or so. He was cleared and charges dropped on Feb. 22. I did know this informally through the court calendars. I think he tried to play the you know I told you but I know his wiley ways of deceipt and obfuscation.

Spoke with Stevo-ex and he is doing well still living through his work and he has a doggie now. I think that is good company. I told him about Martin since he knew my uncle.


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