
A Fraken Magnet

Be careful what you ask for. Dan asked me what did I desire from Panama and I said a magnet. Guess what I got.... Go figure the man is truly an ex marine literal to a fault.

Rue dans dog is sick I had to call in the emergency back up and Rog stepped in to help. Because the dog has a nasty cough I cannot house him. I wish I could but I don't want my doggie to get sick after getting him back to full force after his rescue. I e-mailed el Jefe. No tengo respuesta. Me gusta que no hay pretension. En su embriagadez me dijo que todavia ama a su novio. No se que hacer porque eso es muy natural. Yo todavia amo a Estaban pero de una distancia. No le miento al Jefe, pero tampoco le quiero decir mucho de esto.


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