
My Painting

Joseph Conrad, an homage to the author & sailor

The color palette ranges from verdi gris to a deep crimson red. The painting is a visual depiction of the conscious to subconscious. At the top you can see a lighthose and its light shining out to sea. In it is the shore of the coastline and many ypes of sea animals. A whale, a porpoise, a large fish all place in the conscious mind of the author Joseph Conrad who left his native Poland to sail the seas of the world with the British Navy at the age of fifteen. As the journey into the uncoscious progresses you see the pylons that hold an empty pier, a bloodied harpoon that serves as a flagpole. Joseph continues to travel in the imagination of the painter Jesse Green a student of art & Graphic design at NCSU.

Hable con el Jefe esta noche antes de mi Work out. El queria verme y pues le ofreci cocinarle una cena Puertoriquena. El jefe puede usar una cena que le llene su barriga. No esta flaquitino pero necesita mas carne en dud huesos. Me senti mal interupir sus estudios pero me gusto escuchar su voz.


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