
One Foot At A Time

Crisis once again averted. The day started with a flurry of calls. Let me begin by going back to Saturday. I stayed home after some serious wandering around Raleigh with Izzy and Bibi. Then I got the call from Brownie, he was still employed but approaching his imminent demise in a simpler and rarer form. Now he's telling his clients the truth. I don't advise Lawyers and Landscape Architects to do this due to the intrinsic nature of their jobs. Lying is wrong but hey it is a duty as a lawyer not to spill the whole bag of beans as it is for Land Architects. All the work and little time to do anything ammounts to lies.

Funny enough Brownie said a co-worker couldn't stay past the early AM on saturday due to family time. A man who puts his job, ahead of anything and above all family is doomed to wander the earth eternal wondering how everything goes awry. I told Brownie to take the advise of that wise man and reserve Saturday for him and his loved ones. Brownie will have to deal.


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