
More Blunt for Ye

News from Izzy and Bibi the talks are ongoing. I wish them well but like all young love, it burns most hot at first and it wanes as the flame flickers into nothingness. It is normal to see how any relationship has a normal progression from sheer fascination to absolute oblivion. Last night I watched the final episode for season two of BSG. Great show. Loved it.

I did my best to keep work at a pace at Borders. Bibi & Izzy came by to visit. Also Black came by to buy himself an outlook guide to XP. Spoke with Brown, wavering on his recent decision to Move from Wickers and Rathernell. I told him Man screw your courage he giggled. Bibi & Izzy sat and chatted had some Coffee, I guess they are working things out. I am happy, now if they only cleaned it would be ideal but both have ratty jobs that leave them exhausted or maybe they are just perezosos. I was so bored I sped read Latter Days. Mormon boy meets gay boy on a mission. Sweet and scandalous. Interesting book, I want to see the film. I went to workout after Borders. Hit my zen around 11:30 then dragged my ass home for a good chat & rest.


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