
A New Month A New Post

Ran into Brownie at Borders on Monday night. He seems frazzled and spent said he has nothing to give. I do know he means emotionally or spiritually. Tired of the rat race he's given it up. The trying, the pretense of a civilized human. I offered a helping hand. As always his laundry spins out of control. A methaphor for the chaotic mental innards of a man in despair.

We talked about James Frey and I apologized 2 months ago he asked me if it was fiction. I researched the book A Million Little Pieces and found it was self recovery. He found the book powerful and a good read. Now two months after we find out that Frey was fried on Oprah and his book is a fictional account of his life.

Joined Capital fitness a veritable meat warehouse not interested in the wares more there for the fitness.

Asked if he wanted to do dinner on wednesday he said perhaps. I am not worried nor losing sleep. Brownie has his demons and I have a life to live. He called me back and said we could do dinner. Went to Moe's acted schizo, then told me that his arresting officer was there . Moved to Capitol Cafe had grilled cheese and tomato soup. Comfort food. Did not discuss much Brownie was distracted and asked that I do nothing for his Birthday. Sad indeed.


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