
Dad Does Not Speak

As for my Dad. A mean alcoholic, third genaration who failed to see his midlife crisis as something that effected his family. Ran off with his niece (through marriage because of my uncle Lonnie married her mom). Not a whisper of common sense and decency. Got himself kicked out from the country club because he made a scene while drunk. Mean as hades, without a sense of guilt for what he has wrought.

Does not desire his former self and family. Stole over $100k from his brothers and sisters from the will of my grandfather Siso. (He was the executor, according to Florida law, he could do with the monies as he pleased). Went to court drunk and defended hiself. Won and then got put in the drunk tank. My brother tries to speak to him.. Too much pain. When I was a kid, our German Shephard King bit him, I was happy. He used to hit me. Hit the dog even worse. Crue...Cruel sad man.

I blame you for so many things. Wish you had been a dad.

Today was a pretty good day. Lots of anomalies with the student files. Students who we registered without schedules in Collegue or even more bizzare: half schedules. I do not understand how you go from 18 credits to 3 credits. I think the registrar is involved in it.
I worked out at the gym, did 20 minutes on the track. I also had a sensible dinner with Brownie. He fessed up to drinking during the holidays but no binges. I am certainly impressed in his change of life. My good friend Mr. Black retired after 30 years of service to the state. Huzzah!


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