
Running Just Merrily Along

Unusual is the place I work. I just found out that my supervisor in cohoots with some unmentionable dean have students spying on what work we do here. Lord knows I love to play games but are we not a little past these stupid sophomoric antics. The truth be told, I kind like this, it feeds into my wicked sense of humor. Students monitor my comings and goings. It must be fairly boring to serve as my spy. I arrive propmtly at 7:55 AM every morning for the past 4 years. I drink my EAS shake or some fruit. I schedule out the restof my day by 8:15. I take lunch religiously at 12:30 PM until 1:30 PM. Mostly in my office another shake and a good book. I go home at 5 PM. Not really much to report.

I sometimes wonder what do these women really do aside from gossip and creating innuendo. They are truly desperate school house marms.


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