
The Attack of Ick

I feel tired and sick of the nonsense at the office. On friday my boss asked if I liked it at Borders, I said yes, she replied: At least you are happy a one place. I wanted to see if she had been chatting with Melissa S. who is at NCSU and is an awful gossip. I believe that my resume has crossed Melissa's desk and she couldn't be professional and had to tell my current supervisor that I am searching. In November before I applied as a professional courtesy I attempted to tell my boss and in response I was acussed of being lazy and not a team player. I wish she picked a mental state and stuck with it. Her suervisor Mrs. Fields does not like her erratic behavior. Also, her health is failing, she's battling gout, diebetes and constant illnesses. She retired from one job to deal with the politics of higher education. Poor thing, I really feel sorry for her.


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