
10 Ways to Piss Off your Academic Advisor

10. Forget your scheduled appointment, then try to bully him to schedule another one.
9. Not have a clue about why you are meeting with your academic advisor at 8:30 AM.
8. Come to the meeting without a plan, or idea of what your major requirements are for your plan of study.
7. Fall asleep on his desk and whine incesantly about how hard Freshman Studies is as a freshman course.
6. Show up to your appointment late, demand to be seen immediately and then argue with the academic advisor about your courses because you just aren't feeling them right now.
5. Drag in you whole entire family and the cousins into your advisors office so you can feel supported while choosing your classes.
4. Come to your meeting with shit breath, crusty eyes and smelling funky.
3. Grab off your advisors desk his nameplate and say: "That's Cool!"
2. Don't call or show up to your scheduled appointment and act as if your advisor forgot to remind you to follow up.
1. Take his pen, scheduling matrix and then forget to leave his office after being asked to leave.


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