
Don't Forget to Update

This is a commonly heard phrase around my office each client's file needs to be updated so changes will be saved. It is a funny, how simple routine tasks are often left out. Markus called and we talked. Hes off to enjoy his folk.


Me and You and Everyone we Know....

Here is a listing of my exes:

7/95-12/02 Steve

10/94-3/95 Elias

4/93-9/93 Rick


Dates in Order of Appearance:

2 Weeks
Nice Dog tells no lies, owner lies

1 date
Abusive, Drunk, pretentious

6 dates
Player, liar, repressed

Poor Communicator

7 days
german kooky professor, aufwiederssen


Huzzle and Flowe

It ha been a week of comings and goings. New people have arrived old people departed. I am still standing. All shook up but after a re-assuring chat with the coordinator Ms. Summers, I feel much better. I am excited about the new year and what is to happen with our little group of advisors. What was at first a disaster has turned out pretty good.


Two days off ten new nonrenewable contracts

After two long restful days I am back in the salt mines toliling away at the Ivory tower. Needless to say. I still have a job but 10 more litle indians got their walking papers. It is weird to be considered essential.
I feel like Fujinjaro Pu-Yi, the last emperor of China. Everyone was stealing the goodies from the treasury and all h had was the stage left by the actors after they had robbed his treasury blind.


It Even Hotter than yesterday

I dream of rain eleyah eleyah... It is plain and simply miserable. Can't breathe. Stayed home.


It's hot as hades outside

It hit100 today. My garden is wilting and I've decided to stay home.


The Time for Change Is Here!

There are changes afoot. The Lower College which was created to house the Advisement Center has been canned. The boss got promoted..Kudos! and we have a new leader. I am soo Happy for the outcome of this situation, we might actually see a conectedness with advisement and employeability of our graduates.


How can a Nine Year Old Make you Nervous???

Today I am going to meet Markus' daughter; Konstance. When I was invited to dine ... I actually stuttered. I haven't stuttered in years.. I am all nerves because kids love me but I don't always understand what they are about. Joshi my nephew is always talking of some awesome book he's read SerehLea is always performing I am am somewhat left behind by their intellect and ability.

I finally got past chapter six in Harry Potter 6 and its way too dark. People are dying. Izzy left last night to go to Mexico. He was visibly upset not wanting to leave the US. I gave him my Blue Delsey bags hugged him and ushered him out. Safe trip Buddy.

Dan called me to let me know that Izzie was gone, blueyes called left no message today while I was out getting gas. I have no desire to return the call, hes really a flake. How can you be a friend and never follow up... it burns my britches. I am declaring a moratorium on stupidity!

After Dinner at Ten Ten, my fears gone. I just had to be GK.


BE a good Boy

Stayed home all day saturday too hot for me. Spoke with Makus had nice chat. Blueyes is a flake, called, said would call later, never called back. LOL! Read Harry Potter 6.


Theeerree BAACK!

The housing directors returned, or should I say deens of res life. they slay me the darama. Last Night was awesome! The connectedness and intimacy was a once in a lifetime experience. Two souls coming together comingling, satiated, fulfilling life's desires without having to talk.

This is what I got to offer, Markus is a kind soul. We had a great dinner at the Red Dragon in Raleigh, delicious and great quiet environment to chat.


Heeere Toaday Goone Toomarraw 2

The housing chick is goone or is it goon. Anyhoo she had a bad attitude. I think we are best off without people who think they are what they are not. My ex Stephen had a friend Walt who thought he was a film director. Chuckle aside, he did make a film that went into super low distribution. His friend was also a weirdo, little to no personality. Very sad. He also had a particular penchant for men of african american background. I wonder what is up with that wanabee.

It's weird how we fixate on little things. I am fascinated by keeping a clean house and have sorta hero worshiped Monica from Friends for her freakish neatness. As for the rest of the shows cast well not much of a personality. The other person who I have a deep admiration is Fujinjaro PuYi- The last emperor of China. More about this later.

Gotta date with Markus.. yeah, I am happy!


Heeere Toaday Goone Toomarraw

The new housing Dean walked past me and she didn't even say hi! Not very Collegial. I predict that though this is her second day on the job shes headed for goners. This institution has a very definite campus culture. Rudeness is not accepted here unless you are a big cheese.

Met with blueyes. With all the politics in my workplace I was too tired to help. Went to chatted then went to din din and walked Cleo the wonder shepherd. I think I almost passed out of the humidity and heat. Who made Hades my hometown.

Talked with Markus, I think I really can talk to him its an ease of styles and a comfort with his personality. We got serious and talked about what we wanted in our relationship, yep Ours... It felt so good.


Blueyes Flakes out again

Well sorta. He calls and said that he would enjoy help getting organized however he forgot a city meeting... Latee da. I think he's a bit flaky but hey a friend is a friend. Markus sweet as always called made my stress headache from the filing disapear. Sweet Prince.


Silly Folder

Still working on the folders from the damned advisor who left. Not Bitter just tired and frustrated. Got home fell asleep. Markus called me and made me smile.

Church Again

Today, I went back to church after a two month Hiatus. It feels good to be in the pews and listen to the message. Markus sat with me during services and it felt comfortable & good. Kathy and I ran off to the theater around two PM and saw Joseph.

I couldn't tell if she liked the musical. It was her first. Back in 1986, I went to my first showing of Les Miserables and I cannot tell you how much it impacted my life. Blueyes called during service, I think he is in crisis mode. We did not speak, got his VM. Suspect trickery and deceit. Sad.

Stayed home last night, My friend Markus called we chated left me with a silly grin on my face. He gave me a monkey beanie, he has some smooth mooves. Me likes.


Fascinating, Fantastik, Date

Last night Markus and I had a lovely evening together. It wasn't just a hook up. I felt for him in an intimate manner, a deeper thread, a actual connection. I was lost in his beautiful smile and eyes when I realized, I'd never really felt like this.

I mean its a combo of passion and rapture, I can't explain. This man has an affinity for making me feel all tingly and I do like that, I enjoy it. He is a great kisser and I enjoy talking with him. I visited his house and you can tell the love and good sense of feng shui in his living space. Markus' friends seemed genuine and totally comfortable with me. When we sat in the couch we naturally migrated to touch each other.

Soon enough, we found ourselves cuddling and hugging. What an affectionate man. I cannot date another person while seeing Markus... He is worth the time and I believe to focus on one person is a beter way to get to know each other. I am awaiting what will happen next... He makes me feel intimate; not just the sex of a relationship; but the sense of trust... you know beeing able to sleep an entire night with another human and waking pressed hard against Markus' backside without a fear, strong masculine almost as if it had happened before. An ease, of comfort. Sweet Man Markus.

We have another date tonight, I am so looking forward to beeing alone with him. Ohh Lord!


Files From Hades

At the office our recently departed staffer left us with two...2 TWO years of incomplete filing. WHAT THE HELL! I was so mad I could of gone to this guys house and set it on fire! It is unsciounable to be such an ASSSSet to the the institution and to our students. It is incredible two year of what were you doing? We are no in the slow process of fixing a mess and I feel for the students who had to suffer through such gross incompetence.

I picked up Black and he was fit to be tied. Cracked me up, Walked Ms. Connie. Spoke with Markus sweet man. Also, my friend Rody got his contract from the skool district. The power of prayer.


Sick like a monkey Stuffed with Cheese

I ate too much cheese and the resultant decompresion of my bowels forced me to stay home. I wanted to go to work but the lack of sleep due to the toilet time and then the pain, discomfort and bloating, have forced me to rethink going to work. I think I will sleep and hope to make the effects less miserable. Markus called and he made me feel good. Funny how a voice and a calm tone can affect the savage beast.

Walked a 1,000 Miles

I went for a lovely walk with bigMyke. He is a great guy and we have become friends through the MCC. He is funny and really gives perspective to our chats. We walked what seemed forever and a day. Finally when I got home I was so tired I showered and passed out. Woke up late ate lotsa cheese Yum!


Most Excellent Date Last Night!

Markus came over to see my little home in the country and well we had a great time together. I do like him and desire to pursue him. He is so kind and responsible. Markus actually calls back and wants to make plans for the weekend. I guess when you pray for something, you get it.

Now yes, Blueyes, called at 4:45 and I was kind, but still aloof. I cannot wrap my mind around why he tells such elaborate confabulations about everything. He was not dishonest but edged around what happened this weekend. I am hanging up my investigative pursuits and let Blueyes be well on his way. I have extended the welcome mat of friendship and he has repeatedly shit upon it. I llike myself and have too much self respect to continue putting forth the effort to such a disastrous character.

I think that blueyes needs to work towards a mutual friendship. Maybe one day, I will have a kind, caring, sensitive, romantic man, who cares about himself as much as he should. In other words, I am ready to say there will be nothing Blueyes can do for me that I cannot do for myself. Self-reliance is great and I wish him a better saner life.

Back to Markus, he's hot, goodlooking, smart, and polite. Wow! Also, he is a great in other areas.... We had such a good time, we had dinner at 8:45 PM. What a rare treat to be captivated by such an interesting human being.

Other developments: Izzy is runing off to Mexico. Makes me sad. Like his friendship and company. My lesbetarians are sweet as always; but if I don't feed them they occassionally bite. I am going to see Joseph with Ekaterina on Suday testing on Saturday, Visiting Markus on Friday, I will be picking up Dave Black on Thursday from the airport. I don't have a plan for Wednesday, but I sure will come up with something. Tonight I am getting Chicken wings and buying the tickets for Joseph.

I also need to make sure that get a good night's sleep so I can be up early tomorrow at work.


Wacky Weekend

On Friday I told the world to just let me be and I stayed home pampering myself and just being GK. I think I needed some me time. The cool part is that everyone understands and by choice or chance they let me be. Blueyes called and said he was doing the same. I say good for him. I think that I am going to let that frienship wane since one he is madder than a hatter and I really think that I have done all I can as a friend.

Sometimes it's ok to step away from the ledge and laugh!


Hmmm A date! for me?

Markus called and I think this guy has got it going on. He says the nicest things. He calls when he says he is going to HINT HINT! I loike a person who fallows through versus a person who falls through. He is good looking and he makes me feel good. I am going to lunch with him on Monday and might even show him the house. Who knows maybe a new friend?


Feeling lightheaded... Me thinks I's caught the vapors

Cool! Mr. Markus called me today at work. It really brought a smile to my face. We chatted up for 30 minutes or so. he called me cute. I am so touched by him. Sweet guy!

Playing games with the inane

It started Monday that oh shit feeling at work that something was amiss. Today is Friday and I feel like two of the coordinators have waged a holy turf war over my availability. Needless to say I am like Switzerland and I am not taking sides. It all started on Monday when the testing coordinator asked my boss if he could use me. She quickly said sure if I took a vacation day to help him.

Last time I checked we were all employed fulltime by the same, division and department. I kindly wrote them both and declined the opportunity to join them in their inane games and removed myself from the situation. On Tuesday afternoon, my boss asked me to call the testing coordinator to see if he needed my services for institutional testing. He wasn't there I left him a voicemail anf followed up with my supervisor.

Wednesday morning the next shoe drops... My voice mail is returned by the testing coordinator at 1/4 til 9 AM and he tells me he needs me to assist a co-worker in testing. I proceed to let my boss know and the holy inquisition commenced. Why didn't he call me? I don't know...When were you going to tell me? I am right now..... When did he call? 30 seconds ago, well in the future he needs to call me ..I am not trying to micromanage and after that all I heard was blah... blah... blah.

What is up with these ferret faced people. I did the testing and communicated through the day with my supervisor. thursday afternoon the testing coordinator thank us for a good job and e-mailed my supervisor asking if he could use us for testing on friday.

Friday morning, My supervisor is at a Dr's appoinment and the testing coordinator got no response to his e-mail. I decided to stay put in my office until I talked with my supervisor. She said she's not trying to micromanage but as I already know that is code for I AM MICROMANAGING YOU LET ME KNOW EVERY MINUTE WHERE YOU ARE.

She arrived and was delighted that I waited for her approval for me to depart, MOTHER MAY I HAVE ANOTHER.

Weird turn of events.


The Lunch Date

I went out on a lovely lunch date with a very handsome Markus. We chated for over an hour and really ejoyed meeting him. He later on sent me an e-mail and said how much he enjoyed the talk and wanted to get together again in the near future. I liked his personality, I need to know more about who he is inside before I feel comfortable with him in my life.


Wicked Week

This last week has been full of home improvement projects and yes more gardening! So you would have thought I was sick of the gardening stint, but heck yeah, I planted even more stuff.
I now can say that I am were I thought I would be in gardening in 2004. Last year I tore a muscle in my leg and i was unable to do anything post operation. I had dinner with blueyes on the eve of independence day. He is doing well. I am so happy to see him progress. As for the dating situation, well dateless but so happy. Got back to work today and found out one of my co-workers got his pink slip for making registration mistakes. spent all day reviewing case folders insuring I did not have the same mistakes... neurotic...perhaps... but still employed.