
Playing games with the inane

It started Monday that oh shit feeling at work that something was amiss. Today is Friday and I feel like two of the coordinators have waged a holy turf war over my availability. Needless to say I am like Switzerland and I am not taking sides. It all started on Monday when the testing coordinator asked my boss if he could use me. She quickly said sure if I took a vacation day to help him.

Last time I checked we were all employed fulltime by the same, division and department. I kindly wrote them both and declined the opportunity to join them in their inane games and removed myself from the situation. On Tuesday afternoon, my boss asked me to call the testing coordinator to see if he needed my services for institutional testing. He wasn't there I left him a voicemail anf followed up with my supervisor.

Wednesday morning the next shoe drops... My voice mail is returned by the testing coordinator at 1/4 til 9 AM and he tells me he needs me to assist a co-worker in testing. I proceed to let my boss know and the holy inquisition commenced. Why didn't he call me? I don't know...When were you going to tell me? I am right now..... When did he call? 30 seconds ago, well in the future he needs to call me ..I am not trying to micromanage and after that all I heard was blah... blah... blah.

What is up with these ferret faced people. I did the testing and communicated through the day with my supervisor. thursday afternoon the testing coordinator thank us for a good job and e-mailed my supervisor asking if he could use us for testing on friday.

Friday morning, My supervisor is at a Dr's appoinment and the testing coordinator got no response to his e-mail. I decided to stay put in my office until I talked with my supervisor. She said she's not trying to micromanage but as I already know that is code for I AM MICROMANAGING YOU LET ME KNOW EVERY MINUTE WHERE YOU ARE.

She arrived and was delighted that I waited for her approval for me to depart, MOTHER MAY I HAVE ANOTHER.

Weird turn of events.


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