
Pretty fun Huh?

Blueyes and I went to a soiree earlier last night and had a good time. I am impressed on her ability to overcome the daily work pressures as well as the uncertainty of his health. I do admire him in many ways. I am also happy that we are still friends. after that we went to dinner and walked the pup. Overall, a very fun get together.

I also opened up to him and he is listening. Why am I so aloof? I am probably the waspiest puertorican you'll meet. I mean it is hard to get all the things I want to say out. I think the pup has been a lifesaver for blueyes. The other great aha last night is that my roomie is sorta back with his ex. I am soo happy about this. I stayed out of the whole affair, since they are both my friends.

Tonight is Iszies birthday my roomie. I can't wait to taste his homemade tamales and enjoy the company of all our friends. This will be a night to remember. Pretty Fun huh?


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