
If you Prick a Monkey does he bleed?

Today is flag day and I have my lovely American Flag flying in front of my house. As an AMERICAN of Puertorican descent, I believe it is important to honour our nation and all 50 states of the union. As for the territories, we need to make up our mind and decide to join the union. Where else in the world would you find such a diverse country.

I love the rights and priviledges that come with American citizenship. I believe that I am patriotic and love that we are seen throughout the world as defenders of freedom and Liberty.

I am happy that JO never called back neither did Fried. i was sorta scared straight after those horrible dating episodes. Who are these people? Why are they out there? Don't they have a soul? The good thing about fried is that truly as his name he showed that once he drinks, he is fried and a psycho.

I don't claim to be the most sensitive dude but telling your ex in the middle of your party that he's worthless is not a charmer. The poor guy was so upset he went to his car to cry. I had to imagine myself in that situation and well I don't think that fried is a good match. Being catty and snide is human but he was just plain mean.


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