

It is Christian and right to forgive those who wrong us... However, should we continue to silently suffer the vicisitudes that are imposed upon us by friendships....Blueyes called after doubly failing to call as promised two evenings in a row. I know how stress makes him flake
out. This morning we chatted about the need to get together. This we can forgive for their is an emotional investment and connection, however it is also the right thing to do.

That is nice in my book. I like him and I have no ulterior motives for wickedness. As for JO well, he finally wrote and created drama upon miscommunication and the proceeded to add insult to injury by being snootyness in his e-mail..

Certainly, not what I desire in a partner, the smoking was an issue, snootyness is a relationship killer for me. So I wrote him back and electronically whatevered his note and asked him to call me monday. My decision is made. Nail in the coffin. This one is not a keeper. Friendship is a two way street and one must be able to progress at the speed required for the traffic on that road.

Failure to yield can and often results in minor accidents and snafus, but JO has entered into the dim area of fatality. This my friends, is resultant due to many factors, but mostly lack of attention to on-coming traffic and failure to pay attention and yield. Perhaps the e-mail sent about the smoking was not intended to kill a friendship but to make the reciepient cognizant of the deleterious effects of the cancer causing smoke. Worse yet, the malodorous kisses and body parts consumed by the pestilence of nicotine were certainly most present and detectable. This my friends is seldom undone by a swift cleaning.

So enough on that subject as a swiftly change lanes and exit for now....


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