
Apes Run Amok

OK, I got up at 4:30 AM to escape from the Planet of the Apes. I love my family but I want my house back. Last night they broke my food disposal, my alarm clock, changed my answering machine message and pretty much destroyed my sanity. I love them but next time I'll save myself some aggravation by driving them Nuts and going to Miami. Mom was great and landscaped my entire garden and Aunt Tootsie got me some nifty widchimes and birdhouses. I am tired and I have a filthy house. Woe is me.

I stayed up until 1:30 AM sweeping and sanitizing my kitchen. My roomie did a great job at planting some of the flowers and plants we selected at Logan's Trading Company. I sinished the last load of laundry at 2 am. Je suis defame.


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