
La Vida Loca Quatre

While living in Puerto Rico I suvered of all the maladies of living on a small tropical Island. I was sunburnt for 8 of my 9 years living there. We would go to the beach on a sunday morning, My father's version of church and not leave until we were fully crisped. Around 8 PM we would lather up in Noxema and hope not to stick to the sheets. It will be a miracle if i don't develop some skin cancer in the next couple of years.

We live in a four bedroom two story ranch. Marc my brother shared adjoining rooms in the same hallway and had a bathroom to ourselves. Marc was always the coolest Kat. Nothing ever disrupted his groove. We had waterbeds and an AC unit in each room. The finer luxuries were wall to wall carpeting and our own closet. Marc hated cleaning the bathroom but I sorta like the mess I made with the Ajax all over the floor. Mom would inspect and a bit of a mommie dearest moment would take place if it wasn't up to specs


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