
Go Placidly Amid

My reputation: it has been greatly exagerated by a small number of insular friends who know that within the evil core there is a romantic, looking for his bear. Yes, I have been around this rodeo a couple of times and I have met the love of my life and that too has passed. So what's in store for me now...I am picky often fastidius of whom I sleep with. Kissing is even worse, germphobic, thanks mom. So here's the scoop: I like them taller than me, white, very short hair or balding. Blue eyes, employed with their own living quarters. NO SMOKERS. Can't stand the great ashtray taste. Hairy chest, southern men. They must have meat on their bones, don't trust a skinny man!! He'll eat you out of home trying to fill the hunger in their soul. Meat and potatoes eater fine, shoe size around 10.5 or 11. That way I can enlarge my shoe territory. LOL!

As for other physical requirements: Has to be able to kiss, as for the equipment size, breath and girth are non issues for me. I love long backsides, great legs and a nice tuckus. He must like pets and have a wicked sense of humor. Facial hair is a bonus and if he like to ride ponies well this bronco is a' buking.


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