
La Vida Loca trois

Yes the numbers are French Parlais vous francais? Non? Ohh hell! My mom was always a great proponent of education. Thanks to her I went to a parochial school and was educationally challenged. When I was in public school, I always felt slow and not challenged I was bored with my teachers and their methodology.

Once I was of age and the Psychologist insisted to take me and put me in a place where I could be mentored and my IQ would not athrophy. My mom never let me see my IQ results until I was 25 and she gave me all the testing that was done in 5th grade. I became a bit of a trouble in school demanding an audience for attention and doing little skits in class to captivate the attention of my classmates. I according to my dear aunt Brunny, I became a horrid distracting influence of malice and self centeredness. I drove my cousin pochie out of the second grade class that we once shared.

Was I a bad kid, perhaps, I mostly blame my father, he was not a nice guy. He beat me often with reason, but mostly because he was abused himself horribly by my grandfather Siso (Narciso) I even heard how they once kicked him down a set of stairs. Siso and Lenny my uncle and father's brother were proud of this abuse and boasted openly, cruel!

Thanks to mom, Aunt Aida and Esther (Tootsie) I went to La Academia Discipulos de Cristo. This was a strict christian school that would not tolerate my crazy missbehaving. My first week there I was whistling while changing from homeroom to science and I was detained, mom was called and I received a day suspension for whistling... that my folks is strict!

Marc went to a Catholic Carmelite nun run school, you know them flying nuns... He still shudders when he sees a nun fly by.


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