
Off to VA Beach

Blueyes has dropped me off for my three day crazy trip tp NACADA region 3 in Virginia Beach VA. It has been a hectic week. The advisement team is off to get some professional development. I am excited but as I already know, I can't hangout at the beach due to the many programs I'll have to attend and my skin just plain out burns so easily.

When I was a kid in P.R. we were always doing something outside swimming, the beach or climbing trees. I think I am about due for a melanoma. My dad never thought much about his fair skinned children getting burned. His dark skin, rarely tanned and his dry eczema filled arms never would darken past his scars. Maybe he wanted us to burn. Who knows.

The Hilton in VA BCH is a brand new hotel, I wish blueyes could escape Raleigh and enjoy the time off. He works hard and he's been going at it for well over 19 years. He is a good travel companion. Witty and a steady driver. I think he's a bit lonely since the departure of his pup. He misses her and he's told me that maybeyone day he'll get another.

I miss my dog Montana, she was a beautiful Jack Russell.. Wish she was still around.


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