
Fascinating, Fantastik, Date

Last night Markus and I had a lovely evening together. It wasn't just a hook up. I felt for him in an intimate manner, a deeper thread, a actual connection. I was lost in his beautiful smile and eyes when I realized, I'd never really felt like this.

I mean its a combo of passion and rapture, I can't explain. This man has an affinity for making me feel all tingly and I do like that, I enjoy it. He is a great kisser and I enjoy talking with him. I visited his house and you can tell the love and good sense of feng shui in his living space. Markus' friends seemed genuine and totally comfortable with me. When we sat in the couch we naturally migrated to touch each other.

Soon enough, we found ourselves cuddling and hugging. What an affectionate man. I cannot date another person while seeing Markus... He is worth the time and I believe to focus on one person is a beter way to get to know each other. I am awaiting what will happen next... He makes me feel intimate; not just the sex of a relationship; but the sense of trust... you know beeing able to sleep an entire night with another human and waking pressed hard against Markus' backside without a fear, strong masculine almost as if it had happened before. An ease, of comfort. Sweet Man Markus.

We have another date tonight, I am so looking forward to beeing alone with him. Ohh Lord!


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