
Most Excellent Date Last Night!

Markus came over to see my little home in the country and well we had a great time together. I do like him and desire to pursue him. He is so kind and responsible. Markus actually calls back and wants to make plans for the weekend. I guess when you pray for something, you get it.

Now yes, Blueyes, called at 4:45 and I was kind, but still aloof. I cannot wrap my mind around why he tells such elaborate confabulations about everything. He was not dishonest but edged around what happened this weekend. I am hanging up my investigative pursuits and let Blueyes be well on his way. I have extended the welcome mat of friendship and he has repeatedly shit upon it. I llike myself and have too much self respect to continue putting forth the effort to such a disastrous character.

I think that blueyes needs to work towards a mutual friendship. Maybe one day, I will have a kind, caring, sensitive, romantic man, who cares about himself as much as he should. In other words, I am ready to say there will be nothing Blueyes can do for me that I cannot do for myself. Self-reliance is great and I wish him a better saner life.

Back to Markus, he's hot, goodlooking, smart, and polite. Wow! Also, he is a great in other areas.... We had such a good time, we had dinner at 8:45 PM. What a rare treat to be captivated by such an interesting human being.

Other developments: Izzy is runing off to Mexico. Makes me sad. Like his friendship and company. My lesbetarians are sweet as always; but if I don't feed them they occassionally bite. I am going to see Joseph with Ekaterina on Suday testing on Saturday, Visiting Markus on Friday, I will be picking up Dave Black on Thursday from the airport. I don't have a plan for Wednesday, but I sure will come up with something. Tonight I am getting Chicken wings and buying the tickets for Joseph.

I also need to make sure that get a good night's sleep so I can be up early tomorrow at work.


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