
Heeere Toaday Goone Toomarraw 2

The housing chick is goone or is it goon. Anyhoo she had a bad attitude. I think we are best off without people who think they are what they are not. My ex Stephen had a friend Walt who thought he was a film director. Chuckle aside, he did make a film that went into super low distribution. His friend was also a weirdo, little to no personality. Very sad. He also had a particular penchant for men of african american background. I wonder what is up with that wanabee.

It's weird how we fixate on little things. I am fascinated by keeping a clean house and have sorta hero worshiped Monica from Friends for her freakish neatness. As for the rest of the shows cast well not much of a personality. The other person who I have a deep admiration is Fujinjaro PuYi- The last emperor of China. More about this later.

Gotta date with Markus.. yeah, I am happy!


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