
Higher Love!

Sadly enough I feel a bit despondent about the Raleigh dating scene too many boi's out there not enough men. What is it that it takes so many frogs kissed before you find a prince! I cannot tell you the horde of losers I have to wallow through before a decent date can be secured.


She Bop, He bop!

Cleaned the rest of the kitchen, washed all the nasty clothes! Checked my VM at work! What a loon I am on vacation. Moved the microwave according to blueyes it would look better somewhere else like his apartment. Izzy washed, cleaned and desinfected blueyes house. Yipee! I bet Cleo thinks her daddy is clean. She bop, he bop, but they bop! I am going to surprise the cuban and go to dinner.

Don't Worry be Happy!

I installed my new DSL and then lingered all day doing litle to nothing. The joy of being lazy and relaxed. Had Dinner at D Black. Slept like a log.


Big Wet Dawg!

Blueyes came over with his pup to wash the funk out of her and then we went to lunch. All very platonic and then he sweetly installed my track lighting in the kitchen. I've agreed to do his Homo Depot Returns since I love returning stuff to stores. Yes Indeedy I do! Went out saw Batman with my Cuban friend. It was a good day overall.

I've had the time of my life!

Today was great!! I hosted my first all male Soiree! It was impromtu and all the guys were pretty entertained with the food and lovely wines Iselected for the ocassion. We had assiago cheese and spinach stuffed sausages, some lovely reds and a delicious gerwurtzmariner. Fun! I think I even made Dave Black smile after a very shity week.


Off On Holiday!

Well it's that time of the year when I go off on vacation. Yipee! I will be home working on various projects and maybe I might meet someone naughty but nice.


Greatest Partee Ever!

Izie had a superb showing at his party. Even Blueyes made it, he left early but he was there! I had a great time and met a nice group of people. The person I most ejoyed was Rudyard a hot looking papi same age as mine. I enjoyed picking his brain and chatting all night until 2 AM. He was engaging and fun. Great smile!


Pretty fun Huh?

Blueyes and I went to a soiree earlier last night and had a good time. I am impressed on her ability to overcome the daily work pressures as well as the uncertainty of his health. I do admire him in many ways. I am also happy that we are still friends. after that we went to dinner and walked the pup. Overall, a very fun get together.

I also opened up to him and he is listening. Why am I so aloof? I am probably the waspiest puertorican you'll meet. I mean it is hard to get all the things I want to say out. I think the pup has been a lifesaver for blueyes. The other great aha last night is that my roomie is sorta back with his ex. I am soo happy about this. I stayed out of the whole affair, since they are both my friends.

Tonight is Iszies birthday my roomie. I can't wait to taste his homemade tamales and enjoy the company of all our friends. This will be a night to remember. Pretty Fun huh?


No calls mon Dieu

I got no calls from the dude I went on a date with this saturday. I am soo relieved it saved me the time from having to monkesize him. What a fiasco! The date was bad, the party was full of mexican drag queens and to boot it all ended up in this gigantic fight. Scary!


Work Schmork

Didn't make it in to work today felt a bit exhausted from my walk last night. I think the work out was great but it got me all wound up. I ended up sleeping til 2 pm and then got a call from Blueyes to go to dinner, later cancelled. I am having difficulty understanding his MO. He is a bit of a scammer.


If you Prick a Monkey does he bleed?

Today is flag day and I have my lovely American Flag flying in front of my house. As an AMERICAN of Puertorican descent, I believe it is important to honour our nation and all 50 states of the union. As for the territories, we need to make up our mind and decide to join the union. Where else in the world would you find such a diverse country.

I love the rights and priviledges that come with American citizenship. I believe that I am patriotic and love that we are seen throughout the world as defenders of freedom and Liberty.

I am happy that JO never called back neither did Fried. i was sorta scared straight after those horrible dating episodes. Who are these people? Why are they out there? Don't they have a soul? The good thing about fried is that truly as his name he showed that once he drinks, he is fried and a psycho.

I don't claim to be the most sensitive dude but telling your ex in the middle of your party that he's worthless is not a charmer. The poor guy was so upset he went to his car to cry. I had to imagine myself in that situation and well I don't think that fried is a good match. Being catty and snide is human but he was just plain mean.


Dating gone really Wrong

Went out on a date on Saturday night. What an experience Let me tell you. The party was going well until Mr. Fried tried to kill his ex and began shouting ingrate. Lord knows that impressed me of his generosity and cool calm detachment for his ex. Ha! The police was called and well I had to call it a night. Here a rule boys, unless you are extremely civilized and emotionally detached as moi... Don't invite your ex who you are still sexing up ocassionally to meet your new date.

Lesson learned: All gringos are eeeviiill, all Mexicans are cool!

Yesterday blueyes called me for a small shopping spree I guess he likes my contemporary business casual look. We had a brief but good time shopping a la Hecht's. I bid him adiou and went of to Dave'a Black for dinner.


Breakfast Club

This is one of my favorite bits of witty writting from the movie: The Breakfast Club

Dear Mr. Vernon,
We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are.
You see us as you want to see us, in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us ...is a brain, ...and an athlete, ...and a basket case, ...a princess, ...and a criminal. Does that answer your question?
Sincerely yours,
The Breakfast Club


Cleaning Day at Work

I have spent the entire day scrubbing and cleaning the desk surface of my office as well as cleaning my windows and getting it ready for the academic year 2005-2006. Last night blueyes and I had dinner and sat with his dog. it was nice to chat and see how he's trying to get it together. kudos! Keep up the good work. I boug some azaleas and junipers for my lawn and garden experiment. I will plant them this weekend with roomie Izzie.



It is Christian and right to forgive those who wrong us... However, should we continue to silently suffer the vicisitudes that are imposed upon us by friendships....Blueyes called after doubly failing to call as promised two evenings in a row. I know how stress makes him flake
out. This morning we chatted about the need to get together. This we can forgive for their is an emotional investment and connection, however it is also the right thing to do.

That is nice in my book. I like him and I have no ulterior motives for wickedness. As for JO well, he finally wrote and created drama upon miscommunication and the proceeded to add insult to injury by being snootyness in his e-mail..

Certainly, not what I desire in a partner, the smoking was an issue, snootyness is a relationship killer for me. So I wrote him back and electronically whatevered his note and asked him to call me monday. My decision is made. Nail in the coffin. This one is not a keeper. Friendship is a two way street and one must be able to progress at the speed required for the traffic on that road.

Failure to yield can and often results in minor accidents and snafus, but JO has entered into the dim area of fatality. This my friends, is resultant due to many factors, but mostly lack of attention to on-coming traffic and failure to pay attention and yield. Perhaps the e-mail sent about the smoking was not intended to kill a friendship but to make the reciepient cognizant of the deleterious effects of the cancer causing smoke. Worse yet, the malodorous kisses and body parts consumed by the pestilence of nicotine were certainly most present and detectable. This my friends is seldom undone by a swift cleaning.

So enough on that subject as a swiftly change lanes and exit for now....



My Ideal Man:
[1.] Wants a Christmas tree every year.
[2.] Has or loves dog.
[3.] Needs a sling in his life.
[4.] Avoids drugs 99.9% of the time.
[5.] Has a job that he attends (does not live by) roughly 40 hours per week.
[6.] Has perfect hands and feet and doesn’t know it.
[7.] Has an active fantasy life and can manage to bring fantasy to reality successfully.
[8.] Sees me as a vulnerable man and a child-of God.
[9.] Understands recognizes and celebrates his spirituality.
[10.] Can access his emotions freely.
[11.] Can communicate effectively.
[12.] Can accept responsibility for his mistakes with minimal drama and maximum sincerity.[13.] Is honored and awed by our relationship focused on Christ not just ourselves.
[14.] Is just as willing to hold hands and cuddle, as he is to swing from the chandeliers, naked and bound.
[15.] Is fiscally responsible.
[16.] Can cry.
[17.] Is both sinner and saint.
[18.] Clips coupons.
[19.] Isn’t afraid of dirt, motor oil, blood, or grass stains.
[20.] Reads & understands labels.
[21.] Likes to go out as much as “creating an evening” and staying in.
[22.] Has minimal neuroses, psychoses, and stupidoses.
[23.] Loves to cook, appreciates fine wines and can tell the difference in which fork to use.
[24.] Can empathize with my neurosis and the vicissitudes that the neurosis brings with it.
[25.] Is muscular but not overdone.
[26.] Has light eyes and dark hair.
[27.] Is totally versatile.
[28.] Sports a nice-sized dick, and knows how to use it to its fullest advantage.
[29.] Has fur.
[30.] Understands the difference between your and you’re, their and they’re, and its and it’s.[31.] Speaks Spanish so we can converse together in our own language.
[32.] Is not afraid to smiles beautifully, broadly, and often.
[33.] Laughs frequently, especially at my sophomoric sense of humor.
[34.] Means what he says and follows through.
[35.] Has a well gym membership, knows where it is located.
[36.] He hates clowns and midgets too; because they’re way too creepy.
[37.] Thinks chateaubriand and scrambled eggs and ketchup both have their time and place in the culinary experience.
[38.] Thinks bottled water is OK.
[39.] Would want a house or condo only to fill it with visiting friends.
[40.] Would want a large professional kitchen only for us to cook for those friends.
[41.] Would pay top dollar for a reliable car, not a trendy car.
[42.] Has two eyebrows.
[43.] Looks at a mid century piece of furniture like a Eames chair and immediately thinks “I could tie him to that!”
[44.] Knows which end of the hammer is the business end and isn’t afraid to use it.
[45.] Suggests that we take night classes together and then comes home with the course catalog so we can choose.
[46.] Spoons automatically with me when he crawls into bed.
[47.] Infuriates me by taking a bite out of every chocolate in the box and then surprises me with my own box.
[48.] Is also a coffee fiend and aficionado, appreciating the fact that the most important life events happen over coffee.
[49.] Reads to me while we’re driving.
[50.] Holds my hand when we’re, well…everywhere.
[51.] Knows the difference between smelling like a man and polluting the atmosphere.
[52.] Feels the same way about clothes that I do: they’re extraneous but sometimes necessary.[53.] Loves kids and understand why I do not.
[54.] Hopes for the best and plans for the worst.
[55.] Takes the reins with conviction.
[56.] Hands them over with complete trust.
[57.] Would bathe me daily if I were incapacitated.
[58.] Would bathe me daily even if I weren’t, but reserves that for special occasions.
[59.] Collects but doesn’t hoard, being more than willing to release and return things to the Universal Library.
[60.] Would only want to win the lottery to be able to help his friends and family.
[61.] Respects waiters and servers.
[62.] Understands the difference between righteous anger and throwing a tantrum.
[63.] Is judicious with his time, talent, energy, money, and spirituality.
[64.] Understands the importance of balance in all things.
[65.] Spends time working on himself and growing as an individual.
[66.] Creates and delights in his own sacred space and time.
[67.] Fosters his own hobbies, friends, and opinions.
[68.] Would never eat the last piece of anything before offering it to others first.
[69.] Would never leave without saying goodbye, whether that was a kiss, a hug, or a handshake.
[70.] Can whistle and wants to teach me.
[71.] Is proud of our relationship and comfortable with our sexuality.
[72.] Is forever hearing “You’re GAY??”
[73.] Doesn’t smoke, but can appreciate the fine aroma of a primo Cuban cigar.
[74.] Clips fingernails, toenails, and nose hairs regularly.
[75.] Loves to travel.
[76.] Loves coming home.
[77.] Appreciates the power of silence and feels no need to fill it.
[78.] Surprises me with his creativity.
[79.] Trusts his intuition and instincts as much as he trusts his own experience.
[80.] Can change his oil, his fuses, and his mind.
[81.] Makes my toes curl in bed without even trying, and makes me talk to God when he is trying.
[82.] Would rather buy a “fixer-upper” and fix it up with me than move into something new.[83.] Looks behind himself when walking through a door to make sure that it doesn’t close on someone behind him.
[84.] Can say “You’re full of shit” so sweetly and diplomatically that I want to thank him for pointing that out.
[85.] Has men and women going out of their way to tell me how adorable he is.
[86.] Doesn’t go to the window first in a hotel room to check the view (as 90% of travelers do), he goes to my zipper first because hotels make us both horny as hell.
[87.] Sees gray hair as a sign of maturity, not something that must be dreaded and dyed.
[88.] Is equally comfortable in jeans and T-shirts or a tuxedo, but prefers to be naked.
[89.] Flirts shamelessly making sure that I’m the recipient of the lion’s share of his trysts.
[90.] Takes his meds, including antidepressants, regularly.
[91.] Considers therapy a necessary part of the routine emotional tune-up process.
[92.] Has a child-like curiosity and enthusiasm.
[93.] Would take a bullet for me.
[94.] Wouldn’t want flowers at his funeral, or wedding for that matter, preferring that that money go toward good food, drinks, and entertainment to celebrate the occasion.
[95.] Would be such a revered soul that there would be standing room only at his funeral and wedding.
[96.] Sees life as an active pursuit, full of active verbs, and a few passive naps.
[97.] Considers my feelings, needs, wants, and desires as valid as his, and wants to hear them all make room for as many as possible.
[98.] Sees computers and TVs as distractions and entertainment, but not as replacements or surrogates for friendships or relationships.
[99.] Is prompt and on time, respecting other people’s schedules.
[100.] Knows that I’d be doing all of these things and more for him and us too.
I hope I am clear.


Ma Vie Est Rose

Last night I had the most amazing dream, I dreamt that all my beloved and departed pets came back and I was able to have them all together at the same time. They asked me why I was alone. I couldn't answer, did not know how they were talking and sitting like people. Definitely no more cheese before going to sleep. The whole dream was veiled in a pink color and my former pets all had something to say how they always felt beloved and special in my care. I think I need a puppy. One like Montana.



Today our division went on retreat and our leader gave us kudos for a job well done!


So it was fairly easy to replace! I did it by myself! I also installed new curtains in my bathroom. Joy! I visited with blueyes and helped him assemble his desk. Went home and chilled out for the rest of the night. Peace.


Projects, projects!

Today, I took the bull by the balls and began some projects around the house. I stained my outdoor bench a lovely green colour thanks to blueyes, did some serious planting, then installed my flag pole. I then visited with blueyes and met his new dog. She is a sweet pup. I helped around a bit, made dinner and then off to the ball. I actually slept in on Sunday and then finished replacing the sink food disposal.


A slow day!

Today was the asnwer to all my prayers! JO has moved on and so have I. It is nice to know that I can write a dis; so effectively without really being mean. As for the other dude well, he got the hint too that he's way too needy for me. As for blue eyes we are busy working on a friendship and that is good. Spoke with Mom and got the go ahead to replace the damaged sink disposal that she destroyed during her visit. She seemed so happy to know that she could help defray the cost. She really cracks me up.


Well its off to the races!

I spoke with Lars today and was truthful and I told JO about the smoking. Lord knows I am a perfect mess but I have my limits and expectations. So needless to say I am dateless again! LOL!


The Dating Game

Why is it that we put ourselves through this silly series of meetings so we can determine our likes and dislikes of posible mates? I am pretty clear on what I want, just haven't found the person that has all the right features and fittings...JO is quite attractive and he is sweet, Blue Eyes is emotionally unavailable and Lars well he's a bit overwhelming but a great catch. I am a serial monogamist. I don't even date two people at the same time. I am getting calls from each one and they are interested but in what?? Me as a person or just hanging out or in sex ??!?!? Who knows?