
Bear Trip with Adai

I have a bud a trip and some fun planned for May! Whoohoo! I need a break so bad. Franky has not approved the request time off but heck I need time off!


Mi Corazoun esta aberto

I am taking Adai on a date to remember, Indian food and flowers. I hope he likes. he did. He liked the asian inspired candles and the flowers were a hit I was so nervous you would think it was my first date ever. I guess around him I feel anew. I think I have feelings for Adai, we rested in bed til the wee hours and it was soo nice quiet inofensive, I woke and he was hard I crept down his love trail and fellated him he moaned rhythmically, he wriggled, I smiled!


About Last Night

Long day of meetings and presentations. Finally admitted to losing my Wallet Adai was patient with my incipient stupidity. After presenting at Chapel Hill, Counseling for Hispanic Clients. I got a call from Bowden telling me that my lost wallet was found. I am thankful to God! Took the afternoon to run over and collect the Driver's license. Then I took Adai dinner and he seemed a bit sad. I think the overwhelming ammount of work is getting to him. I do feel for him. I was in his shoes 6 years ago. At the time my partner was not supportive and highly unkind.


Bello Horizonte

Today is chaotic. I cannot find my wallet. The heat in the office is stiffling. Cannot think!


Fraken Cylons

Tigh (Col. , Helo (Capt. Carl Agathon), Tory and Chief. This is a set up and then Starbuck comes out of nowhwere. Yikes, I really dislike this new batch of Cylons because I grew to like them as a family. Now they have been switched on like a toaster not knowing what is going to pop up.


One month til we move

Today was a gread day slept in late after a nice Fri/Sat morn with Adai. Left him sleeping. A man of depth, intelligence and sincerity. Had a good talk about taking it slow and enjoying "it", what ever this "it" is. He seems apprehensive and a bit guarded. I believe he's honest and not dating around but heck we have no exclusive thing. I like his thinking certainly non-linear and definitely expository in detail. He enjoys cuddling and is sicerely affectionate to my touch. I fall asleep beside him without a care of concern. His body warms me deeply. I never met someone warmer than me. I can sleep deeply and in a cuddle, that is rare.

This morning apologies to the bois. Heat exhaustion knocked my ass out Sat Sun morning. I couldn't get my shit together till around 12. Walked with Billy, a friend from NCSU and had lunch with Patrick a friend from Borders. Came home showered and got ready for church. Ran into Kev and Lee and sat with them. Nice to be going to services again. I had prayer to exorcise Brownie. I feel like a weight is lifted. Saw the girls picked up the loot. Love them. I did not speak with Adai. Just chatted online.



The pastor spoke to the cross and the cross answered. A bit gimmicky but yet a nice touch and a bit captivating. As Pastor spoke to the lance, I could only immagine how such a notion comes to fruition. A series of sermons based on the suffering of Christ. Deeply emotional and changing.



I am hanging today with Adai. No Brownie in sight. No crazies in the light. No desire to fight. Going to Blackwell's tonight.


Aconteceu finalmente

Aconteceu finalmente! Eu perdi o controle última noite com Adai! Eu unfurled meus paixão e desejo para ele e deixei-os realmente frouxamente. Era sensual, áspero, estalar do olho, alto, passionate, intenso, amorous, conectado, mútuo! Eu não tinha sentido esta ligação nos anos.



i fired this lady due to her abuse of several of my students. I added Dani's Peace and compassion to our staff.


lunch w Adai

I am having lunch w Adai having spent amemorable evening talking and enjoying his company. His smile is contagious work out and felt extra good in the shower. I was at Wallymart and a cashier complemented me on my eyelashes, Mr. Adai said he never noticed, them said they were nice. I slep beside him and was deeply asleep when he awoke me I kissed him farewell, gentle soul!


No DL shit here

Spent the night at home commesurating from the weekend ina stupor of incredulity. It is amazing to time spent and enjoying a new person. Went to the gym together after I delivered Starbucks. Ate a nice sandwich and Onion Soup. Then read the briefs on CINC. Slept peacefully beside him after talking all night.


La Date Trois

It was superb this weekend with Adai. He is really a superb conversationalist and he keeps me smiling. Also easy on the eyes.


The Morgen After!

Arose peace calm still. Adai rose to kisses being gently applied to his soft skin. I made breakfast then he left. I ran to get some champagne fol MeliMel and no one has it. Got Schramsberg at World Market. Got some Deustch Chocolatein for my bud! He was surprised to see me. Dropped off the goodies ran to Mels Bday. Adai came by later after 12 we hung tight! Nice!


Great Night for Din Din and Date with Adai

Went to Oakwood Cafe and had a lovely evening. It was nice to go home watch a movie, relax. I slept restfully like I know this soul from back in the day. He is amazing. Brownie didn't call it seems he;s back on the pipe.


Going on my Second Date Adai

Last night was our first tonight it is the second. I like him a great deal Funny intelligent sexy, masculine sensual. He blows my mind only 24!


First Impressions Adai

Sexy smart has own mind independent liberal


Tomorrow Banquet and Feast of Fools

Well the TP banquet is here tomorrow. I am the MC. Nervous. I goofed read the wrong names ohh frak!@


Lost is Lost


All is well

A few days back I met Kevin. Having him over for dinner. He called cancelled. Spoke with Adam. He's an MCC member, non smoker sweet!


Today is Sunday

Lost an hour. Izzy is away. Slept late. Brownie sick. I went to see some movies saw Lives of other people's.


Slept Deeply at ease

Last night I slept deeply at ease and at peace. I felt as if I were to die in my sleep there would be little to no issues left unresolved. I am certainly not suicidal. However, I have reached a point in my short life where I could stop and take a glimpse at all that has happened in the last five years. Growth is the operative word. I have gotten rid of regret and guilt and I am moving through life without insult or injury.


Break from Borders

I am taking some serious time off from My PT job to enjoy the end of the semester, the job and friends.


How I feel about you now Brownie

Well I can't tell you where I'm going, I'm not sure of where I've been
But I know I must keep travelin' till my road comes to an end
I'm out here on my journey, trying to make the most of it
I'm a puzzle, I must figure out where all my pieces fit
Like a poor wayfaring stranger that they speak about in song
I'm just a weary pilgrim trying to find what feels like home
Where that is no one can tell me, am I doomed to ever roam
I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin' on

Questions I have many, answers but a few
But we're here to learn, the spirit burns, to know the greater truth
We've all been crucified and they nailed Jesus to the tree
And when I'm born again, you're gonna see a change in me

God made me for a reason and nothing is in vain
Redemption comes in many shapes with many kinds of pain
Oh sweet Jesus if you're listening, keep me ever close to you
As I'm stumblin', tumblin', wonderin', as I'm travelin' thru

I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin' thru
I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin' thru

Oh sometimes the road is rugged, and it's hard to travel on
But holdin' to each other, we don't have to walk alone
When everything is broken, we can mend it if we try
We can make a world of difference, if we want to we can fly

Goodbye little children, goodnight you handsome men
Farewell to all you ladies and to all who knew me when
And I hope I'll see you down the road, you meant more than I knew
As I was travelin', travelin', travelin', travelin', travelin' thru

I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'
Drifting like a floating boat and roaming like the wind
Oh give me some direction lord, let me lean on you
As I'm travelin', travelin', travelin', thru

I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin' thru
I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin' thru

Like the poor wayfaring stranger that they speak about in song
I'm just a weary pilgrim trying to find my own way home
Oh sweet Jesus if you're out there, keep me ever close to you
As I'm travelin', travelin', travelin', as I'm travelin' thru


Two years ago this is what I felt Brownie When you Hurt me

Je suis désolé
Lo siento
Ik ben droevig
Sono spiacente

I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before

I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say you're sorry
I've heard it all before
And I can take care of myself
I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say 'forgive me'
I've heard it all before
And I can't take it anymore

You're not half the man you think you are
Save your words because you've gone too far
I've listened to your lies and all your stories (Listen to your stories)
You're not half the man you'd like to be

I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say you're sorry
I've heard it all before
And I can take care of myself
I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say 'forgive me'
I've seen it all before
And I can't take it anymore

Don't explain yourself cause talk is cheap
There's more important things than hearing you speak
Mistake me cause I made it so convenient
Don't explain yourself, you'll never see

Forgive me...

(Sorry, sorry, sorry)
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before

I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say you're sorry
I've heard it all before
And I can take care of myself
I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say 'forgive me'
I've seen it all before
And I can't take it anymore

I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say you're sorry
(Don't explain yourself cause talk is cheap)
I've heard it all before, And I can take care of myself
(There's more important things than hearing you speak)
I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
Please don't say 'forgive me'

I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before
I've heard it all before


Failing a friend is not Cool!

I spoke with Brownie. Acknowledge his feelings. The cold harsh stare was not cool. I failed as a friend. I took ownership for my frak up. Growth hurts, it really is not an easy process!


Jesus Loves You, But I Don't


You say you're doin' better
For your sake I hope it's true
I wish you well
But that's all that I can do
Save your "I'm sorry's"
Just leave 'em out the door
You can't make me feel guilty anymore

You say I should stay with you
That Jesus forgives you
You pray I will, but I won't
The difference is
Jesus loves you, I don't

I know it sounds cruel
And it's really not like me, but
You've put me in a place
I never thought I'd be
These tears I'm crying
Are just tears of goodbye
I hope you find someone else
Somewhere in your life
Somewhere in your life

You say I should stay with you
That Jesus forgives you
You pray I will, but I won't
The difference is
Jesus loves you, I don't

I don't wanna know you still want me
Don't need to hear you can't sleep
No I don't, no I don't

You say I should stay with you
That Jesus forgives you
You pray I will, but I won't
The difference is
Jesus loves you, Oh I know
Jesus loves you, I don't


Wrote Stevo and told him about Izzy's date and how they know each other. Stevo was glad I did not flame him. I wrote Stevo a rather heartfelt and somewhat in depth e-mail because I was feeling sentimental;


I am sorry to hear about Ms. Doris. I am happy to hear that she is resting at home. Do send her my regards. I hope that she recovers quickly.

As for bashing, I ask that you please, as a favor, that you consider being kind to me. I have no anger, resentment or malice towards you. I think our relationship is water under the bridge. We were young and different people. I had a lot of personal work to do on myself when we parted ways and I know that, likewise you have been in exploration of what you need to do to grow and fulfill your path.

There are regrets, many.....however, these I can live with and ask for your kindness and that you focus on the memories that are good.. of these I have many. Yes, I have been distant but it is to give you space and time. We can't mend or fix what was not broken...it was a drift and clash of personalities....I am too independent ... you are a healer.. you know what I mean... I feel whole and I am ok without a longtime companion. Funny, I never thought I'd say that.

Well enough soul barring for today. I do keep you in my prayers and kind thoughts are what I have left of us.... that is it. Peace your friend, gk


Pat Rise/ Lunch with Brownie/DinDin with the boys

Pat rose, gave the boy a cup of Java ran off had Lunch with Brownie came home to rest spoke to the girls. Decided to stay in. Daniel calls and asked me to go to din din. Ran into Brownie. I failed him as a friend. Brownie felt uncomfortable because Blackwell, Dan nor I were in acknowledgement of him. I admit the boys rather ignored him. I half heartedly acknowledged him. My bad. In restrospect I should and will in the future go to the table and say Hi! I think I am a mensch! I mean well, I acknowledge my friendship and the value of all these men in my life.

I wrote Brownie On monday 3.5.06:
Hola David,

I am doing well. Slept like a rock. Thanks for the listening ear and your friendship. I do value both immensely. Give me a ring when time allows, maybe we can get a bite to nosh on soon.

Your bud,


True Pic of Plastic Surgery Travesty

Beautiful people think they are ugly and ugly people feel they are beautiful. It is friday and I feel like I want to let my hair down. Going to the art walk, dinner and such not in that order Invited Patrick, Daniel and Brownie. I know that the latter will not show. Saw some nice stuff tonight did not buy anything. Daniel in kind drove he was so patient with Patrick and me. Pat passed out on the couch I went to sleep.


My Students

I have realized that those who work will succeed, those who don't will be back next semester regretting a missed opportunity. I realize that my bad students are like the children of the damned, the can only destroy their academics, they can not help themselves.


Well over 600 Postings strong

100. My Real Name is GeorgeKenneth Judah Ben Judah Morell Orta Narvaez Irrizary.
99. I regularly give a $15 tip to my hairstylist because she's great.
98. When I was two months old, I fell out of a moving car. Hey shit happens!!
97. My favorite vegetable is corn.
96. My first movie star crush was Roger Moore in James Bond's Octopussy.
95. My first sexual experience was around 10 with a cousin who was babysitting me.
94. I figured I was gay pretty early on...6-7 years of age.
93. I had my first crush on a guy in 2nd grade.
92. I often blame my best friend Melissa for turning me gay (not true). She's a lesbian.
91. I confirmed I was gay in grad school making out with Norris.
90. I have worked at Mc Donalds, Zayre's, Hoffritz, Cookie Company, Bally Fitness, Mercedes Benz dealer, Borders, World Market and various Colleges.
89. My father is still alive but as of 1995 we do not speak. His choice.
88. It is not painful anymore, but it hurts to be lied to.
87. I once got a woodie (HARDON) while watching Tom Jones on TV I was five.
86. I am allergic to seafood, shellfish, freshly cut grass, Tide.
85. I miss my 1st Jack Russell Montana, my 2nd Boy is awesome!
84. If given the choice gay or straight. I would choose; Gay.
83. In the 80's I had a Jewfro, then I parted it in the middle, finally ending with a caesar and balding.
82. I once tried piercing my nipples professionally, My body was allergic to the surgical steel.
81. I have visited the state capitols of IA, FL, NE, MO, IL, NC, SC, MA, GA, TN, KS, AR, CA, DC, NV, AZ, NJ, DE, VA, PA, WV, KY, WI, MN, PR, TX, MI, MD, DE, USVI, IN & OH.
80. I want to retire in Charleston, SC.
79. I have excellent recall of my childhood and specific conversations.
78. I scored 140 in my IQ test when I was 12 years old. My parents kept the results hidden until I was 21.
77. I skipped college algebra/calculus and took three separate courses in Logic.
76. I have presented in front of an audience of 500 people.
75. I have volunteered for Habitat for Humanity over twelve times.
74. I have personally met President Carter, Mickey O'Rourke and Jerry Lewis.
73. My favorite porn star is Zak Spears. WOOF!
72. Adai is the Hottest guy I have ever met online.
71. Vehicles owned Dodge Dart, Mercedes Benz 280 SEL 4.5, Honda Accord, Ford Escort, Subaru, Saturn SL1.
70. Cruise ships & the motion of the sea makes me projectile vomit.
69. Foreplay is not optional. Kissing is required.
68. I was outed to the entire family by my uncle Lenny at dinner.
67. I don't like eating dinner at a table.
66. My family knows I am gay and they deal with it.
65. I know more than I care to admit about wine, Waterford & Baccarat.
64. I have never gambled over $20 at a time.
63. Given the choice of wrecking the car or hitting Bambi...we're eating venison tonight.
62. I have tasted Venison, Buffalo, Duck, Quail and Ostrich.
61. I have all of my wisdom teeth, Boca gigante!
60. In a fist fight, I had my mandible dislocated.
59. The sight of blood makes me freak out.
58. I have an unusual fear of spiders and little people.
57. I can cook criollo food (PR & Cuban), Tex/Mex & American Fare.
56. I can order from the menu in Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
55. I deferred admissions to U of Miami, Law School due to not wanting to fulfill my father's dreams.
54. I do not care about pleasing people for their sake.
53. I am a feisty son of a bitch according to an ex who had control issues and desired to fix me.
52. When my Grandfather was dead he came to visit me and told me I would be OK.
51. I dislike Hillarity Clinton, she is a BIMBO.
50. I believe in justice and social equity but not at the expense of our constitution.
49. I rarely cry.
48. People Magazine is utterly semantic tripe, I cannot go through a check stand without reading it.
47. I speed read.
46. I consider myself an expert in study skills.
45. I have a Bachelors and a Master's degree and desire a PhD.
44. At a bar fight I would like to have my brother next to me.
43. I've bottomed once, Steve got my 1st time.
42. I've only been in deep knock your down momma love once. Brownie.
41. For that I committed a crime.
40. I am trusting until given the opportunity and proof not to be that way.
39. I once went to lunch at one of my jobs and never returned.
38. I love my belly.
37. I would never share toothbrushes or underwear.
36. My favorite champagne is Bollinger.
35. I secretly desire to be Patsy of Ab Fab.
34. I am a fiercely loyal friend.
33. I am honest to a fault, I live, relish & celebrate my truth.
32. I fall asleep faster when I spoon with someone I like.
31. I love my Jack Russell Boy, he is sweet and like all Brits has bad teeth.
30. All my friends share their deep dark secrets with me. I lock them in the vault, I never share my friends secrets with others.
29. I have the keys to all my friends houses.
28. I prefer to sleep naked.
27. I shred my right leg Quadricept muscle & had it re-attached.
26. I have been forbidden by all my friends to cut my own grass.
25. I hate working out I do it for my heart.
24. Sometime I am lonely and I prefer it that way.
23. The best part of a guy are his eyes.
22. I can swim like a dolphin.
21. I was born in NYC Sloan Kettering Hospital.
20. I have seen the majesty and beauty of the Grand Canyon.
19. I hate suspension bridges, the engineering marvels me but I imagine myself in the bottom of the bay as fish food.
18. I dated Melissa for a couple of weeks in Grad school.
17. I have been to the top of the Sears Tower and John Hancock Building.
16. My nose bleeds due to the lack of humidity when the heat is on during the winter.
15. My mom and dad were bohemian nudist liberals.
14. I like men with really short hair or balding.
13. I like Anglo men who can kiss and speak Spanish.
12. My ex and I still speak occasionally.
11. I believe in God but I am suspect of organized religion.
10. I like LOVE my office space.
9. I love my three bdrm, two bath & spacious attic ranch style house.
8. I am lucky to have the best friends in the world, they are my 2nd family.
7. I do not steal, I hate thief's & liars.
6. I have no interest in death or funerals.
5. I am afraid of Germs.
4. My favorite Zinfandel is old vine.
3. I believe God has a plan for me, just not quite certain of it.
2. I once had a cat: Enigma.
1. I never loved my dad.