
One month til we move

Today was a gread day slept in late after a nice Fri/Sat morn with Adai. Left him sleeping. A man of depth, intelligence and sincerity. Had a good talk about taking it slow and enjoying "it", what ever this "it" is. He seems apprehensive and a bit guarded. I believe he's honest and not dating around but heck we have no exclusive thing. I like his thinking certainly non-linear and definitely expository in detail. He enjoys cuddling and is sicerely affectionate to my touch. I fall asleep beside him without a care of concern. His body warms me deeply. I never met someone warmer than me. I can sleep deeply and in a cuddle, that is rare.

This morning apologies to the bois. Heat exhaustion knocked my ass out Sat Sun morning. I couldn't get my shit together till around 12. Walked with Billy, a friend from NCSU and had lunch with Patrick a friend from Borders. Came home showered and got ready for church. Ran into Kev and Lee and sat with them. Nice to be going to services again. I had prayer to exorcise Brownie. I feel like a weight is lifted. Saw the girls picked up the loot. Love them. I did not speak with Adai. Just chatted online.


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