
Jesus Loves You, But I Don't


You say you're doin' better
For your sake I hope it's true
I wish you well
But that's all that I can do
Save your "I'm sorry's"
Just leave 'em out the door
You can't make me feel guilty anymore

You say I should stay with you
That Jesus forgives you
You pray I will, but I won't
The difference is
Jesus loves you, I don't

I know it sounds cruel
And it's really not like me, but
You've put me in a place
I never thought I'd be
These tears I'm crying
Are just tears of goodbye
I hope you find someone else
Somewhere in your life
Somewhere in your life

You say I should stay with you
That Jesus forgives you
You pray I will, but I won't
The difference is
Jesus loves you, I don't

I don't wanna know you still want me
Don't need to hear you can't sleep
No I don't, no I don't

You say I should stay with you
That Jesus forgives you
You pray I will, but I won't
The difference is
Jesus loves you, Oh I know
Jesus loves you, I don't


Wrote Stevo and told him about Izzy's date and how they know each other. Stevo was glad I did not flame him. I wrote Stevo a rather heartfelt and somewhat in depth e-mail because I was feeling sentimental;


I am sorry to hear about Ms. Doris. I am happy to hear that she is resting at home. Do send her my regards. I hope that she recovers quickly.

As for bashing, I ask that you please, as a favor, that you consider being kind to me. I have no anger, resentment or malice towards you. I think our relationship is water under the bridge. We were young and different people. I had a lot of personal work to do on myself when we parted ways and I know that, likewise you have been in exploration of what you need to do to grow and fulfill your path.

There are regrets, many.....however, these I can live with and ask for your kindness and that you focus on the memories that are good.. of these I have many. Yes, I have been distant but it is to give you space and time. We can't mend or fix what was not broken...it was a drift and clash of personalities....I am too independent ... you are a healer.. you know what I mean... I feel whole and I am ok without a longtime companion. Funny, I never thought I'd say that.

Well enough soul barring for today. I do keep you in my prayers and kind thoughts are what I have left of us.... that is it. Peace your friend, gk


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