
Dear Dr. Suber

August 15, 2006

Dear Dr. Suber,

It has come to my attention that you have carefully worded your begining of the year address by stating that "those who are gone no longer matter". As a fellow educator this phrase hits a discordant note within my personal and professional senses. How insightful to realize that your unbriddled ego, machiavellian scheming and overall poor management skills are no longer something that I as a former employee miss. For four long years, I observed the coming and goings of people with talent, ability and desire to make a difference for our young charges.

At the time you were unfortunatly having your lunch carted to your Ivory tower and missing these valuable moments with our students. Your mandate continues, the challenges have slowly waned and you persist in proving that you are the top dog. Saddly, your rotundedness is never ending. I now see clearly that you lack the ability to provide a clear vision and leadership for such a historical institution. I ask you: Are you honoring your anscentors like the Delaney's or just linning your pockets?

It is a sad state of affairs when I hear the petty, backstabbing, ugly perfidy that is done in your name. Is there any justice for these students who you newly recruited who will now have to suffer because the lack of your vision limits their opportunities. I labored under these conditions too long and desired little to no part in the academic rape of a generation. You talk about empowerment: That is your own. Please take time to see someone who can help you with this affected mental malady. You are no greater than those you serve. Listen more rather than storm over the people you oversee.

I know these words fall into the blackhole of despair that you now populate and have invited such great personal demons to consort alike Bullock, White and Winters. Their glory lies on the broken backs of their peers and fellow human beings that you so quickly advocated to discard. It is a sad state of affairs.

I will miss the students, colleagues and people who still forge ahead against the immense tidal wave of your stupidity. The retreat at Myrtle Beach is just a party. Save the time and monies and buy yourself a nice dress at Ross or the Dress Barn. Macy's just does not cut it for your level of tackiness. Continue in this path for it seems that your step is locked in this venue and you will never change.



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