
Rotting Corpse Flower

My necrotic finger stinks too, gota go to the surgeon. Having Lunch with Brownie at Porters, Off to Borders to work. Had lunch with Brownie, he is well and alive. No news from Dan. Izzy busy doing the town thing. Partying now four days a week. it amazes me was I ever that much of a twinkle toes party boy. Yes. I used to do 3-4 clubs a night starting on tuesdays in Chitown. Tuesdays was Sidetracks and Roscoes night. Our little group would end up at the manhole. Wednesday was Eagle night and thursday was for Deeks and Roscoes. Friday was boys night out. Supper on Belmont then walk to cocktail, Vortex, Manhole, and a couple other clubs before the Steamroom. Then Saturday repeat all you did Friday after a disco nap in the afternoon. Sunday was Long Island iced teas on Clark or serious mimosas in bucktown or Lincoln Park. I always enjoyed brunch at the Ritz Carlton. Some rest before monday. Monday we would all go out to the Red Dog Party room after work sometimes Crobar for smile and flash. Finally, to Mi Tierra for Latino drag so yep, I was equally silly back then. I worked at Borders after meeting up with Lilly and saw Tiffany's baby. I am an uncle or tio. My girl Tiffany gave birtht o a beautiful baby girl. Worked at borders, Patrick and i went to his place had some vino chatted. He gave me a great initiation to Reiki massage. I normally wouldn't have let him but he hit on all the crappy feeling nerve points and soothe my soul & muscle. The boy knows his shit!!! Went home and chilled!


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