
Whitney...Say it Ain't So!

CRACK IS WACK! Whitney Houston 2004


Borders, Gary the snarkyness

Lord the most boring night possible. Almost fell asleep at the register. 20 customers in four Hours. Sad. Boy ate the corks in my ficus.


Going to do Double Duty

Going to a Cultural Reception , Then tonight I do Borders... soo Booring. Then running off to workout.


Busy and Krazy

Did not hear from Brownie... No Surprise! Oh well Ces't La Vie!


My 2nd favorite show is almost back. Can't wait for Nip & Tuck.


Fun with your IPOD

I saw this and thought ohh how fun it would be with SheilaE's glamorous life.


Working Tonight


OK I give up Give a caption for this photo



This is plain out wrong and nasty!




1) He can fuck for hours but alas never seems to achieve and erection.
2) When you head over to his apartment for a romantic evening his door is slightly ajar and upon entering he is naked on his bed with his ass in the air getting plowed by 5-7 gentleman callers.
3) When you are fucking him it feels like you are fucking an open window.
4) He is missing he two front teeth.
5) He has picked out all his eyelashes and eyebrows and has glued them to an ashtray and has given it to you for a birthday gift. Your birthday was 6 months ago.
6) He swears Madonna is communicating to him through a filling in his mouth.
7) He has redecorated his apartment by boarding up all his windows with duct tape and cardboard boxes.
8) His breath smells like gasoline.
9) He has overdosed and died.

Gentle readers these are just some of the telltale signs that your potential mate is hooked on crystal. If you have any other symptoms you would like to share with my readers please do so.

As always, stay fresh,


So wrong on soo many levels

Survived a weekend post op. Stayed home an chilled. The meds knocked me on my ass slept well over 25 hours. Had some seriously messed up dreams. I awoke to Paris Hilton's dogs. All dressed up. Just awful!!!!


Rested in Pieces

No Izzy no noise. Very quiet today Slept all day last of meds.


Flea MKT

Helped Pat pick a tux. Then slept.



Yowza! My arn is swollen. Not an actual pic but close.

ice...ice...ice... baby

stayed home rested, felt sick all day.


Oh Vey Da Finger

My finger is angry at me it screams and it hollers. Mostly just the cutting pain. It hurts. I do not like it. The meds make me feel sonambulistic.


Dear Dr. Suber

August 15, 2006

Dear Dr. Suber,

It has come to my attention that you have carefully worded your begining of the year address by stating that "those who are gone no longer matter". As a fellow educator this phrase hits a discordant note within my personal and professional senses. How insightful to realize that your unbriddled ego, machiavellian scheming and overall poor management skills are no longer something that I as a former employee miss. For four long years, I observed the coming and goings of people with talent, ability and desire to make a difference for our young charges.

At the time you were unfortunatly having your lunch carted to your Ivory tower and missing these valuable moments with our students. Your mandate continues, the challenges have slowly waned and you persist in proving that you are the top dog. Saddly, your rotundedness is never ending. I now see clearly that you lack the ability to provide a clear vision and leadership for such a historical institution. I ask you: Are you honoring your anscentors like the Delaney's or just linning your pockets?

It is a sad state of affairs when I hear the petty, backstabbing, ugly perfidy that is done in your name. Is there any justice for these students who you newly recruited who will now have to suffer because the lack of your vision limits their opportunities. I labored under these conditions too long and desired little to no part in the academic rape of a generation. You talk about empowerment: That is your own. Please take time to see someone who can help you with this affected mental malady. You are no greater than those you serve. Listen more rather than storm over the people you oversee.

I know these words fall into the blackhole of despair that you now populate and have invited such great personal demons to consort alike Bullock, White and Winters. Their glory lies on the broken backs of their peers and fellow human beings that you so quickly advocated to discard. It is a sad state of affairs.

I will miss the students, colleagues and people who still forge ahead against the immense tidal wave of your stupidity. The retreat at Myrtle Beach is just a party. Save the time and monies and buy yourself a nice dress at Ross or the Dress Barn. Macy's just does not cut it for your level of tackiness. Continue in this path for it seems that your step is locked in this venue and you will never change.



Mon Petit Chien

Borders Tonight


Another Manic Monday!!

CALLING THE LAWYER IN THE am AND CHEWING A PIECE OF HIS ASS! He needs to take care of business. This whole yearlong PROCESS is sheer absolute inane bullshit. I am tired of not having the case heard and dismissed. Aside from that I plotted out our new mission and action plan with subsequent objectives. I feel confident that we need to define our course strategically to be successful under the new dean. Going to the Dr. having the xtra digit removed. Ouch!


My Date Tonight

So what the frack! Who looks like this. Not anyone I know TG. Got in and did give boy a bath. A little accident needed to be cleaned. Boy peed onmy rug. no problemo all cleaned. I gotta send pat a thank you my elboy stopped hurting. I bet if I cook him a meal we can exchange a message for a good Puertorican super. We stayed up til 330 am chatting, and laughing. I enjoy his morbidly dark sense of humor and his awkwardness. As for Boy, bathed clipped, flea powdered and now resting. i cleaned the entire house without any helps AS USUAL. Izzy in bed with the trick of the day. I swear I am getting him a flap door like you would get for an incontinet dawg.


Rotting Corpse Flower

My necrotic finger stinks too, gota go to the surgeon. Having Lunch with Brownie at Porters, Off to Borders to work. Had lunch with Brownie, he is well and alive. No news from Dan. Izzy busy doing the town thing. Partying now four days a week. it amazes me was I ever that much of a twinkle toes party boy. Yes. I used to do 3-4 clubs a night starting on tuesdays in Chitown. Tuesdays was Sidetracks and Roscoes night. Our little group would end up at the manhole. Wednesday was Eagle night and thursday was for Deeks and Roscoes. Friday was boys night out. Supper on Belmont then walk to cocktail, Vortex, Manhole, and a couple other clubs before the Steamroom. Then Saturday repeat all you did Friday after a disco nap in the afternoon. Sunday was Long Island iced teas on Clark or serious mimosas in bucktown or Lincoln Park. I always enjoyed brunch at the Ritz Carlton. Some rest before monday. Monday we would all go out to the Red Dog Party room after work sometimes Crobar for smile and flash. Finally, to Mi Tierra for Latino drag so yep, I was equally silly back then. I worked at Borders after meeting up with Lilly and saw Tiffany's baby. I am an uncle or tio. My girl Tiffany gave birtht o a beautiful baby girl. Worked at borders, Patrick and i went to his place had some vino chatted. He gave me a great initiation to Reiki massage. I normally wouldn't have let him but he hit on all the crappy feeling nerve points and soothe my soul & muscle. The boy knows his shit!!! Went home and chilled!


If I had a Million Dollars!

I'd be rich. Court today Yuck! The continuance is for Oct 4. The case will be 1 yr and a month since its inception. Ino & Rog and I had din din. He gave me his key and password for the alarm. I put it in the vault. Then I had coffee with a new friend Billy. Great tall drink of a man. I had a good talk and pleasant time. Joel and I watched brokeback mountain and chilled for a while. Went home.

Court ended as a continuance, the fun never ends. Love it!


I Wrote the City Manager

My e-mail & response:

"Allen, Russell" Add to Address Book Block Sender | Block Domain
Date: 2006/08/08 Tue AM 10:41:34 EDT
Subject: RE: Public Art

I wanted to acknowledge and thank you for your comments.


J Russell Allen
City Manager

-----Original Message-----
From: gkmorell@bellsouth.net [mailto:gkmorell@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 10:22 AM
To: Allen, Russell
Subject: Public Art

You awkward provincial person... spend on the art! You have already
spent countless of millions of dollars on a needless convention center.
What difference does it make a couple more $dollars$. Too late to
nickel and dime , go for the full effect. I am in favor of the artwork.



My Miserable Lawn

When it rains this is what my lawn in my backyard looks like. Yuk!!
Izzy got flowers from the new Beau, Brownies parents are ill and declining. Saw the new house. Court case approaching quickly. Not a clue of outcome. Have a throbbing headache and Borders tonight. Kev called for lunch but the meds keep me indoors, some serious light sensitivity. I feel vampire like.


La Bitcherie/ I know its hot!

This is the first installment of BITCHTATOR a fictionalized piece or writing based upon my 15 years of higher education expeience.

Bitchtator …
A humorous accounting of a small southern black liberal arts college spinning out of control.

Setting: A midsize, southern town, Southern Piedmont, NC
Delta Institute of Polytechnics College …DIP, Founded in 1869 by the Church of the Irreverent Sacrament, a splinter group of Zion AME, but with a more relaxed view on doctrine.

President…Dr. Doana Savon Biddy (Phd Animal Psychology)
VP/Provost…Dr. Kent Von Klampt (Phd Mathematics)
Assistant to the President…Ms. Sissy Lumbee (No degree, highly devoted to Dr. Biddy)
President Faculty Senate…Dr. Charles Ezekiel Strickland IV
Dean of STUDents…. Dr. Lemange Trannie
School Chaplain… Dr. Father Terrior Foyd
Philosophy Professor…Dr. Jose Orta
Receiving Staff… Heckle & Jeckyl Jones
Art Faculty… Ms. Sonja Lustefisk
Director of Emails Ezekiel… Chum
Philosophy Department Head…Ms. Kizzy Lee, working on he PhD at Dogtrout Internet College
Caféteria Lady…ShaunDra Summers

The campus quad was covered in the morning midst. The rose garden had just been replanted when the campus bells tolled the 8 am this morning. Students rushed past Jose Orta who had just joined the college as a faculty member. He had his newly minted Phd in Philosophy from the University of Illinois and was exited to be joining the illustrious faculty at DIP College. Jose is running late because he just met someone new and it was their first date. A new year, a new beginnings an opportunity for Jose to be a pedagogue but first a meeting with his department head just before getting settled in his new appointment. Dr. Lee as jokingly known by her peers who resented Kizzy’s constant position climbing and lack of a terminal degree but she had it in with Dr. Biddy because she shared the same hairstylist; Jittery Jojo’s Salon. Her hair had been stretched strained and burnt to the point the only hairstyle she could pull off demanded that she wear a wig.

Professor Lee, seldom arrived on campus before 10 am but today she had to meet a new faculty member at 8:30 am. She fired her fifth administrative assistant this year because, of making that horrible mistake of setting up an appointment before 11 AM. Professor Lee behaved like the campus queen, she only deferred that title to Dr. Biddy. As she arrived on campus with her freshly glued on nails and haphazard smile she noticed that Dr. Jose Orta was making it along to the quad to her meeting, she sped her 360 SEL Mercedes through the parking lot to her spot in front of her offices. She ran out of her car and greeted her temp and proceeded to pretend she had been laboring overnight in her office preparing for Dr. Orta’s meeting.


The Weekend Recap

Friday was lovely. I spent the night, at home with Boy. Izzy got home at 525 AM or so. Jeez where does he find the energy. New boy in tow. As for Saturday woke early and did the Praxis and finished the summer testing season at St-Aug. The next time will be fall where I proctor the SAT. Had lunch with Brownie saw the new house not bad. Went to Target got the bloody gate for Boy now he can stay in the kitchen and ear my rugs. Sunday, I worked Borders. It was not so bad except for having to wear the Drive through like earphones. Spoke with Bobby. Had dinner at Blacks, came home and ironed dress shirts.

Went to the Doctor and had my infected nail cuticle treated. Ouch!! Needless to say kiddies bitting your nails is nasty, so don't do it. Called Inno cancelled workout until nail heals. Doctor laughed as she drained the green viscous pus out of my thumb. EEK!



Doing Praxis today at 6 am. Proctoring test is fun and you get paid obscenely ammounts of money for little to no work. i really like this. Might go out tonight see a movie.


Mom's B-Day

Mom and her sisters.


Hey BO! Do you think that I look Butch with this Pipe? Honey as Butch as Mimi our pug!

Mom's Birthday is almost here and Still no gift argh!


Listos Para El Coup

No soy Cubano, soy Boricua, pero me da pena que mis hermanos Guantanameros han edurado 50 anos de miseria y mentiras. Las fuerzas malditas de Castro se estan enriqueciendo mientras el pueblo espera en las lineas para pan y mantequilla. Que diria Marti de las mentiras perpetradas en su nombre por Castro. No te Deseo la muerte Fidel, pero si te deseo un coma como el que le distes a Cuba por cinquenta anos.

Que Dios te perdone por tu maldad y egoismo. Yo solamente quiero que los Cubanos en exilio puedan ver La Vieja Habana, El Melecon y sus calles perfumadas antes que se mueran.


Stinky Mel

Today is hotter than yesterday. Sitting in the office eating Cherries, picked by my office assistant during her vacation. So good. Mel, mean people suck, you suck! Therefore, you are suckus maximus! Izzy got a new Colombiano and he's happy. Yeah! Seeing Brownie for salads. Yum!


Loserus Rex

A new breed of hatefulness. This is my ex-movie idol MeliMel Gibbson. On Friday he got sloshed with the bimbos below and then he proceded to cuss aout a Jewish patrolman with anti-semitic verbiage. Not so cool! I am so sadenned by Mel's bigotry and re-lapse. As a former Jew and Zionist, I can tell you that Mel has fallen from my personal favorite list. I might still see APOCALYPSO, but only on pay per view.

I am doing Borders tonight, so boring it is like watching a polaroid dry, or waiting for a red wine to breathe, or even perhaps like waiting for the city of Raleigh to paint the lane lines on Fayetteville Street. So slow, so hot, so boring!