
No Words are Necessary

I remember being in San Francisco in '98 and attending this little festival. Ohh the public floggins and caddle dripped all over naked torsos. I wonder if I still have the pictures. They have these booths where you can kiss a leather porn star or whip a slave's ass mercilessly. Saddly I did not partake since the ex-ball and chain would have been horrified and up chucked his hydrogenated wheat grass breakfst drink.

It was hot I worked out after 7:30 PM. Tomorrow I have to do Borders and perhaps I might even get home before 10:30 PM. brownie wants to do din din on Wed, so hot, I do not know if I am in the mood, but I do owe it to him. he hasn't confessed his wicked deeds in a week and since I am the closest to his priest, I am blessed to have this friend.


Gosh ...here's my weirdest dream ever! I was in limbo and I was taking a sleigh ride on a rainbow after popping out of this guys crotch.

A sticky summer sunday. Just like I like them. Stayed home until the moviehouse called my name and I saw monster house. Fun Movie excellent animation. Went over to see David Black, David Brown called got my VM. My phone is not doing the audible VM message tone. Sprint how I really wish you were bankrupt, but I can't quit you!

Saw Rog and Ino. Ino witnessed the death of the patrolman who fell off his motorbike and then was run over by a pickup. He was upset. I think he needs a shoulder to cry on. Rog gave him my number. As always, I am the counselor. I sent out my invites for my 40th Birthday! People seemed happy to be able to celebrate this milestone.


Raleigh Wide Open

Meeker Meeker let me count the ways I detest you! You are like raw beef dangerous and unpalatable! The street opened 60k people attended the hot, muggy opening of a public street. Truly we are a small town were a street reopening can draw a crowd. I expected Bobby to call, no call. I found out that he went alone. I think we have a problem Whitney Houston.


It has been a while since we last came to Brokeback Mountain.... Do you remember what happens from here???

Meeting care partners for din din with care patient. I really enjoy the volunteer work. Went Home chatted with Joel, watched a movie. Relaxed. Boy was very sad he did not want to sleep in his crate.


Thelma! . . . Yes, Louise! Do you think he knows we are going to leave him bareassed naked & stranded in the desert??

I was in meetings all day yesterday. The Divisionwide meeting was interesting. Melissa wants to bring the mean Ms. Winters to work at state. Argh! Working at borders tonight. I have Four RSVP's
Pat, Melkat, Izzy, Bobby. Can't wait til they see the cake.


Joe, I think the wifie doesn't like our screwing around with each other???

Got messages from Calvin, Je ne suis non interesant de votre petit mal! He is under la mala impresion quel vous sont paience. Quel malade.

Worked Borders last night, it was like watching paint dry very slow and boring and Gary was not friendly. I sent out the invites to my 40th b-day. Only personal close friends no acquaintances.


OK matthew, you are a weird but sexy motherfucker!

Yep it is that time of the month when I post dumb pics and have you the lovely visitor comment. Feel free to have a field day.
Finished the Proctor manual editing. Faxed Borders with time off request. Rainy crapp crap crap day!


Maudy Monday

Got up early fed the boy. Ran off to buy gas got 1/2 a tank at 2.87. I feel as if I have been robbed. I wondered if invading Iran would give us cheap gas, no results there. Wish we found somewhere else to get gas. I heard from Bob today he is well, I had such a restful weekend.


Ms. PuertoRico es Ms. Universo!!

Ms. PR is Ms. Universe!!
Had lunch on Saturday with Brownie he is well TG. No other worries or concerns slept in late all day saturday did nothing sunday.


Gary is an Asshole

Gary threathened me to kill my schedule if I was not more cooperative with the Borders schedule. He wants to stick me with a slew of saturdays. I said nono nannette. Chilling out its friday. Long week Love my job. Court date pending AARGHH!


The boos that never was..

Calvin white boy on CP time
Jeff W Mormon boy
ChrisP Chili Willie Ho big time Ho


So many ho's so little time....

Why is it that gay men try to date anything that moves. It is truly symthomatic of some deeper sadder truth. We are all damaged somehow. Some more than others.. Be it through abuse, sexual or physical or even psychological. Ultimately the premise is the damage that has been done to a generation of gay children who will perhaps not develop sufficiently to cope emotionally with relationships, commitments and timeliness.

Is it so difficult to be truthful...Perhaphs when you spend your life denying to yourself and family what you truly are, the realities get blurred or blended. I do see this time after time.. Men who fail to see their potential or ability. Weak puppets of their wims and desires who fail to achieve because they are impotent to foresee greatness as part of their lives.

Are we so deeply mirred in the muck of our lives to see beside ourselves??


I am with Stuped!

Izzy and Bibby hung out last night and I saw the BGS preview wasted a whole evening last night. Today I got some student replies ate pizza for lunch e-mailed bob and went to work out. Got no answer from Borders about my Tue & thu schedule BOA corrected their charges and finally got home exhausted.


Hasta la Pasta

Lazy days of summer. Did little to nothing to justify my salary. I did speak to 12-15 of my students hoping they would correct their schedules. Got little to no response. Everyone is either on vacation or I left a Voice mail. Went home after not working outit was like 98 degrees and the heat factor. Yuck!


Devil II

Funniest movie I've seen all year. Thanks Bob! Excellent Date! Ran into the Ex Teven at Capital fitness. He looked good but not good enough....I have never met anyone so sad and alone like Teven. I think that somewhere along this boys life he was either seriously abused or he is just an emotional cripple. He was so lame in trying to strike conversation, I was abjectly besides myself trying to do the stepper and he is standing there saying Woe is me and Duke and such.... I phased him out just like the Peanuts characters when they listen to adults. He is 35 going on 10 intellectually!!! I am not mad but look we have nothing in common other that 8 years of a love that didn't take. I am happy to have moved on... I wish he did!


Mojo Criollo

Had a lovely afternoon with Bob and had dinner at Blacks.


The Devil In Prada is Real!!

I discovered that the movie is based loosely on Anna Wintour editor in Chief of Vogue. Really scary that such a person walks amongst us on this earth.


Perro Malo

El perro no me deja dormir se mueve mucho durante la noche. Ya se como bloquear e-mails de calvino.



pues el contacto que me hicistes me ha hecho moverme gracias por tus caricias.

Vi a la Melissa y la morenita me dijo bienvenido a la escuela. Triste por su falsedad y su atento para hacerce ver bien en mis ojos.


El Regreso De Bobby

Pues el Bobby ha regresado y estoy requete contento con su regreso a nuestra vida. El Kalvin no fue una persona honesta y tenia muchas otras personas esperando en las salas. Para no ser honesto ya le he descolgado y pretendo no oir o ver sus mensajes. Positivamente bloqueado. El Bobby es carinoso y ya se ha excusado por sus travesuras y maltrato. no he oido de Brown, he tenido que pretender que no existe. El Joeli me llama mucho tiene una polla gigantesca para un hombre tan pequeno pero creo que algo esta incorecto con el, creo que esta mental. Hasta la vista Calvino.
Izzy me ayudo mucho durante esta semana con todas las actividades de orientacion.


Long Day!

Got many calls from my stdents. THe African American seminar begins tomorrow that means that 70% of our students arrive. I went home at 6:45 and slept all night.



Hold all calls the students are coming!


Not anymore

Great date with LOel went to pool, took some pick and got jiggy! We also watched scarface.


Je suis desoconsole

Friday night was excellent went to see pirates of the carribbean, dinner was a miss but I finally got my tires rotated. Saturday was a gastronimic delight. Kathy and Melissa and Mangiano's. It was a nice little birthday partee. During the day I had worked out with Dan after traversing to APex to get the blade that Izzy mangled. I had a small chat with Brownie at Borders. Kelvin was suppossed to join us to work out but he must have missed us?!?! Saturday spoke to Loel and we then set up a date for Sunday.


Stupidous Maximus

Alas, I found out that my boss will be proposing that I be raised to the rank of assistant director/Lecturer within the next six months. It is surprising to me that after years of inane observations at my former employer I am to be rewarded for excellent work and my quick wit. I am happy and know that I am being groomed to take over the director position with her imminent retirement looming upon us. ur program assistant has decided to slowly phase into retirement so we will need to replace her. I will hope that she stays at least for the forthcoming academic year. we are also loosing a graduate assistant mid-year but the good thing is that he will be seeking for employment with his PhD.

As for Izzy, he fracked my mower by hitting a rock. I wonder if he is aware that the house is lying on fill rather that actual naturally occurring earth. I will coach along these lines before, I let frustration take over. Dan is still palying Taxi and his birthday was cool but uneventful. Melkat will be celebrating her b-day this weekend and we are going to Southpoint... I love Durham. Well the South western part mostly. I haven't heard from Brownie, I am not going to worry since he will holler when he needs to talk.
Spoke with Pat and he seemed frantic at best. Work Work work. This boy is a minte away from a breakdown. I wish I could help him chill, yet he is wound as tight as a giro. Paul chatted me up, he sorta pissed me off and creeps me out. Very bad Karma. He said some real nasty stuff and they tried to play it off when I called him on it. It seems like he is unnable to socially make the leap and hang out with normal people without being hurtful of insulting to others. Sad!
I am enjoying my workouts with Kalvin. He seems happy and he works hard when we are at the gym. Good guy, nice bear.


Je' Parler

je' Parler con Nous mamere. Ici cognizant de votre malaide. Non cancer. Oui je'entende votre salud.


Brilliant 4th

I had a wonderful feast at Black's yesterday. We ate baaabaa sheep and it was good. Today is the day for Izzy to do the grass. Had a good workout with Kalvin and enjoyed the rest of the night with Mr. Boy. Overall an excellent day spoke with Mom and Pat.



Mira que yo le he visto vuestra cara.
Lo siento que no sois una persona sincera.
Te falta la vista honesta que un hombre tiene que tener.
Sois solamente un chavo sin sentimientos que se esconde en la penumbra de sus deseos.
Eres una vision llena de sombras y telearanas.
Permaneseis solo y desacompanado.
No tengo tiempo para recibir vuestra desafortunada vision.
Porfavor quedese callado y no haga ruido porque vuestra voz me perturbe mis suenos y ahnelos.


Tall Ships

The Short line to the ships, little to no waiting.

Nicely air conditioned charter busses took us to the event

A Pirate's Life for Me

Short Sail Ship

more sails

Cool Burnt Amber Sails


Sick of Star Jones-Reynolds

