
Stupidous Maximus

Alas, I found out that my boss will be proposing that I be raised to the rank of assistant director/Lecturer within the next six months. It is surprising to me that after years of inane observations at my former employer I am to be rewarded for excellent work and my quick wit. I am happy and know that I am being groomed to take over the director position with her imminent retirement looming upon us. ur program assistant has decided to slowly phase into retirement so we will need to replace her. I will hope that she stays at least for the forthcoming academic year. we are also loosing a graduate assistant mid-year but the good thing is that he will be seeking for employment with his PhD.

As for Izzy, he fracked my mower by hitting a rock. I wonder if he is aware that the house is lying on fill rather that actual naturally occurring earth. I will coach along these lines before, I let frustration take over. Dan is still palying Taxi and his birthday was cool but uneventful. Melkat will be celebrating her b-day this weekend and we are going to Southpoint... I love Durham. Well the South western part mostly. I haven't heard from Brownie, I am not going to worry since he will holler when he needs to talk.
Spoke with Pat and he seemed frantic at best. Work Work work. This boy is a minte away from a breakdown. I wish I could help him chill, yet he is wound as tight as a giro. Paul chatted me up, he sorta pissed me off and creeps me out. Very bad Karma. He said some real nasty stuff and they tried to play it off when I called him on it. It seems like he is unnable to socially make the leap and hang out with normal people without being hurtful of insulting to others. Sad!
I am enjoying my workouts with Kalvin. He seems happy and he works hard when we are at the gym. Good guy, nice bear.


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