
So many ho's so little time....

Why is it that gay men try to date anything that moves. It is truly symthomatic of some deeper sadder truth. We are all damaged somehow. Some more than others.. Be it through abuse, sexual or physical or even psychological. Ultimately the premise is the damage that has been done to a generation of gay children who will perhaps not develop sufficiently to cope emotionally with relationships, commitments and timeliness.

Is it so difficult to be truthful...Perhaphs when you spend your life denying to yourself and family what you truly are, the realities get blurred or blended. I do see this time after time.. Men who fail to see their potential or ability. Weak puppets of their wims and desires who fail to achieve because they are impotent to foresee greatness as part of their lives.

Are we so deeply mirred in the muck of our lives to see beside ourselves??


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