
No Words are Necessary

I remember being in San Francisco in '98 and attending this little festival. Ohh the public floggins and caddle dripped all over naked torsos. I wonder if I still have the pictures. They have these booths where you can kiss a leather porn star or whip a slave's ass mercilessly. Saddly I did not partake since the ex-ball and chain would have been horrified and up chucked his hydrogenated wheat grass breakfst drink.

It was hot I worked out after 7:30 PM. Tomorrow I have to do Borders and perhaps I might even get home before 10:30 PM. brownie wants to do din din on Wed, so hot, I do not know if I am in the mood, but I do owe it to him. he hasn't confessed his wicked deeds in a week and since I am the closest to his priest, I am blessed to have this friend.


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