
Gosh ...here's my weirdest dream ever! I was in limbo and I was taking a sleigh ride on a rainbow after popping out of this guys crotch.

A sticky summer sunday. Just like I like them. Stayed home until the moviehouse called my name and I saw monster house. Fun Movie excellent animation. Went over to see David Black, David Brown called got my VM. My phone is not doing the audible VM message tone. Sprint how I really wish you were bankrupt, but I can't quit you!

Saw Rog and Ino. Ino witnessed the death of the patrolman who fell off his motorbike and then was run over by a pickup. He was upset. I think he needs a shoulder to cry on. Rog gave him my number. As always, I am the counselor. I sent out my invites for my 40th Birthday! People seemed happy to be able to celebrate this milestone.


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