
Yesterday Morning

I opened my bible yesterday and this was the verse:

Psalm 59 (The Message)
The Message (MSG)
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson
Psalm 59
A David psalm, when Saul set a watch on David's house in order to kill him. 1My God! Rescue me from my enemies, defend me from these mutineers.
2Rescue me from their dirty tricks,
save me from their hit men.

3Desperadoes have ganged up on me,
they're hiding in ambush for me.
I did nothing to deserve this, GOD,
4crossed no one, wronged no one.
All the same, they're after me,
determined to get me.
Wake up and see for yourself! 5You're GOD,
God of angel armies, Israel's God!
Get on the job and take care of these pagans,
don't be soft on these hard cases.

6They return when the sun goes down,
They howl like coyotes, ringing the city.
7Then suddenly they're all at the gate,
Snarling invective, drawn daggers in their teeth.
They think they'll never get caught.

8But you, GOD, break out laughing;
you treat the godless nations like jokes.
9Strong God, I'm watching you do it,
I can always count on you.
10God in dependable love shows up on time,
shows me my enemies in ruin.

11Don't make quick work of them, GOD,
lest my people forget.
Bring them down in slow motion,
take them apart piece by piece.
12Let all their mean-mouthed arrogance
catch up with them,
Catch them out and bring them down
-every muttered curse
-every barefaced lie.
13Finish them off in fine style!
Finish them off for good!
Then all the world will see
that God rules well in Jacob,
everywhere that God's in charge.

14They return when the sun goes down,
They howl like coyotes, ringing the city.
15They scavenge for bones,
And bite the hand that feeds them.

16And me? I'm singing your prowess,
shouting at cockcrow your largesse,
For you've been a safe place for me,
a good place to hide.
17Strong God, I'm watching you do it,
I can always count on you--
God, my dependable love.

I am also reading the secon James Frey book my friend leonard. It is written in the same stream of consciousness as In A Million Little Pieces.


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