
Walking on Sushine

Worked late last night my fried brain fails to shut down until 2 AM. I awake & restless and in a middle of a horrible nightmare. My dream is as follows: I am drinking again with Brownie at a local watering hole. He's drunker than I am, he becomes angry things get out of control. He laughs before unleashing his anger at the bar keep...he explodes, screams..falls to his knees screaming and crying. I watch.. I float horrified, I am botheres by the outburst. The anger scares me. I wonder why is this happening. I awake, sweaty, heart racing, upset, cry a little, go back to sleep. Sleep poorly.
I was tired, I am supossed to get boy to the vet. I wake, eat, walk wormy pup, no call or reply from Brownie. I am sad. My nightmare is true. I take Boy to the vet get a huge bill! I am sorry Boy was so poorly cared for, he's wormy, has a skin condition and he is neurotic more than the owner. I am exhausted. I sleep.....I awake at 7PM Panic! Missed meal with the boys. Frustrated, Tired. Too tired to call! They understand. I am tired working these jobs to occupy my racing mind.

I saw Jarhead and I've fallen in love with Jake.... to lust.... He is a small ray of sunshine!


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