
Court Smorgasboard

Went to court and now I know what I did for Love was well stupid.. i got a continuance for Jan. 25 2006. I just can't wait for this to be over. The ups and downs and the squirreling of $$ for court costs. I am tired of it, but I imagine so is officer Oneil.

Judge Knox seemed like a fair judge but rusty felt differently she sentenced two people with the same situation. Oh well!!


Got the Call from Dement

We are a go for Courtroom 5b on Wednesday. I hope Officer O'neil takes the day off and we can close this mess up. I am ready to progress ahead and get this situation off my plate.


All quiet here

Worked all day making sure files were ok. Then I spoke with Brownie, we have the same courtroom Yikeeys! I think it should all be good.


Boy Vaccination II

Poor pup now he's sore and sleepy. Got himself three booster vaccinations and he's grumpy as hell. Sorta like Brownie.. Just kidding. Saw rent. Great adaptation of a Broadway Play.


Black Saturday

Worked from 11-7. Agreed to go shopping with Brownie but alas the best layed plans are gone to hell. Saw Harry Potter. THe best by far of all his movies. Slept in Late. Then went to the Agora Cafe and had dinner with Brownie. To Celebrate Cleo finding a new home. Slept in the next morning.


Blaaack Friday!!

It was Crazy! Retail, Black Friday and the never ending questiondo you work here? Yes ma'aam I can I help. I was on my feet all day went home and rested until I could not sleep anymore. Boy is still nervous. He's getting his booster shots on Sunday.


Happy Thanksgiving

Had a nice miday meal with my friend Brownie. We laughed and enjoyed the feast which was delicious. The organic turkey tasted great and it was juicy and well seasoned. I was so full I slept in the rest of the day.


The Saw Brothers

Mr. Husquervarnna, Mr. Black & Decker & Mr. Steele a votre servise sil vous plait.

The trip to DC was excellent, I got to hang out with my friends and we did awe inspiring sight seeing all over DC. The best day was friday when we went to the Dulles Annex of the Smithsonean. They had the concorde, The Enterprise Space Shuttle and Spaceship 1. Mr. Black & Decker thought I was bored, in reality they were moving too slow to take in all the goodies. I guess I was myself impatient, and wanting to take care of business. But they were fun. I could travel with them without anyone being shot or left behind.


ma vie est tojours

Je subis actuellement une recherche d'un nouveau travail. J'aime ce que je fais, cependant l'environnement a tourné toxique. Le plus haut se lève est occupé à si améliorant leur grace qu'elles ont oublié que le travail doit être effectué. Je suis triste de partir de cette université mais je crois qu'après avoir travaillé ici pendant presque quatre années je devrais pouvoir démontrer du progrès professionnel. Les femmes responsables font cet impossible puisqu'elles règnent par l'émotion plutôt qui par la logique lui faisant un environnement hostile masculin. Ma perception est que c'est apparentée à un lycée. Il y a dans les cliques et hors des cliques. Je suis les cliques intermédiaires. . . personae incognito. Il pourrait être parce que notre presidenta est un ancien administrateur de lycée. Il tout semble élémentaire à moi. Frottez mon moi, vous vous relevez. Chute hors de la chute de faveur hors de la grace. Nous avons besoin de bon coup de etat pour installer l'héritier légitime sur le legs historique de cette université. Ces femmes et leur environnement induit par oestrogène a laissé l'air toxique.


DC 3


DC 2


DC 1


Getting To DC


Going to DC

Will post of the adventure upon my return.


A doo doo doo dah dah dah

Th trip to DC is near I can't wait. Sorry Izzy not comming. Wish he would but hey it could be worse, I might have had to share a bed with David.


Monkey Bites!

I am so happpy yesterday was a good day!


BOA Assholes

Bank of America has created this Passkey bullshit security system. I am so angry at their majestic stupidity in creating sucha system to secure my account. ARGH!



Had cider with Brownie it made my weekend just right.


My Mind is a whirl

People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. The biggest persons with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest persons with the smallest minds. Think big anyway. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People really need help, but may attack you if you do help them. Help them anyway. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best


Crazies at the Door

Today was day two of Nutso Workers


Going to the Salt Mines

Do I get a salt Lick! Today is the first day I work 8 days in a row before I am off to DC. Izzy is not going. Couldn't get off. I am going to manage my stress better.
Need to walk boy.


TheDawgs of my Life.

Here is boy! He is a keeper. He lives with me and he's very sweet, expensive and picky!

Here's is Cleo! She is a moody bitch. I love her though. She reminds me of my better self. She does not like her tail played with is aggressive but loyal and likes to give kisses. She is currently seeking a new home due to a minor incident involving some neighbors. She used to crash in Brownies pad. Now she is exiled.


Who dat slut@!

I mean the dog. She is connie and she get's around. Not really. I pet sit for a good frien of mine and Connie snuck in the bed long enough to sneak a peek and a lick!

E-mailed Brownie seemed crazy as usual.


Nada here or Manana

Spoke with Izzy on Friday about the partying, he goes out again Friday, doesn't return saturday and then out Sunday. I think he's stuck in a rut. Trying not to feel what he feels. I understand. Slept mostly all afternnon yesterday. Forgot Dinner with the guys. Slept some more in the PM. Bathed wormy puppy. He was not happy washed my sheets due to puppy. He slept well. No calls to or from Brownie. My nightmare was enough!

Found photo sexy Lee Adama of Battlestar Galactica. I am lusty!


Walking on Sushine

Worked late last night my fried brain fails to shut down until 2 AM. I awake & restless and in a middle of a horrible nightmare. My dream is as follows: I am drinking again with Brownie at a local watering hole. He's drunker than I am, he becomes angry things get out of control. He laughs before unleashing his anger at the bar keep...he explodes, screams..falls to his knees screaming and crying. I watch.. I float horrified, I am botheres by the outburst. The anger scares me. I wonder why is this happening. I awake, sweaty, heart racing, upset, cry a little, go back to sleep. Sleep poorly.
I was tired, I am supossed to get boy to the vet. I wake, eat, walk wormy pup, no call or reply from Brownie. I am sad. My nightmare is true. I take Boy to the vet get a huge bill! I am sorry Boy was so poorly cared for, he's wormy, has a skin condition and he is neurotic more than the owner. I am exhausted. I sleep.....I awake at 7PM Panic! Missed meal with the boys. Frustrated, Tired. Too tired to call! They understand. I am tired working these jobs to occupy my racing mind.

I saw Jarhead and I've fallen in love with Jake.... to lust.... He is a small ray of sunshine!


Boy's Got Worms

Called brownie no asnwer. I guess he's going to be incomunicado. Boy is going to the vet tomorrow. Saw some nasty tapeworm segments and I was grossed out. Worked until late. Geting along better with Miguelino at work. I still cannot believe he is 45 not bad boy.



Good read, good book!


Yesterday Morning

I opened my bible yesterday and this was the verse:

Psalm 59 (The Message)
The Message (MSG)
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson
Psalm 59
A David psalm, when Saul set a watch on David's house in order to kill him. 1My God! Rescue me from my enemies, defend me from these mutineers.
2Rescue me from their dirty tricks,
save me from their hit men.

3Desperadoes have ganged up on me,
they're hiding in ambush for me.
I did nothing to deserve this, GOD,
4crossed no one, wronged no one.
All the same, they're after me,
determined to get me.
Wake up and see for yourself! 5You're GOD,
God of angel armies, Israel's God!
Get on the job and take care of these pagans,
don't be soft on these hard cases.

6They return when the sun goes down,
They howl like coyotes, ringing the city.
7Then suddenly they're all at the gate,
Snarling invective, drawn daggers in their teeth.
They think they'll never get caught.

8But you, GOD, break out laughing;
you treat the godless nations like jokes.
9Strong God, I'm watching you do it,
I can always count on you.
10God in dependable love shows up on time,
shows me my enemies in ruin.

11Don't make quick work of them, GOD,
lest my people forget.
Bring them down in slow motion,
take them apart piece by piece.
12Let all their mean-mouthed arrogance
catch up with them,
Catch them out and bring them down
-every muttered curse
-every barefaced lie.
13Finish them off in fine style!
Finish them off for good!
Then all the world will see
that God rules well in Jacob,
everywhere that God's in charge.

14They return when the sun goes down,
They howl like coyotes, ringing the city.
15They scavenge for bones,
And bite the hand that feeds them.

16And me? I'm singing your prowess,
shouting at cockcrow your largesse,
For you've been a safe place for me,
a good place to hide.
17Strong God, I'm watching you do it,
I can always count on you--
God, my dependable love.

I am also reading the secon James Frey book my friend leonard. It is written in the same stream of consciousness as In A Million Little Pieces.


D Day

I met Brownie in the AM had a quiet breakfsat. He looked better that he has in 6 months. Hmmmm......... the amazing changes thanks to better living. Got myself continued. Made a quick exit worked out a good deal with the boss, Skip lunches make up the court time. Made a booboo! went to the Brownie courtroom. I pissed his attorney off. I didn't know that we shouldn't be seen together. I was so happy to be out of the courtroom I forgot the implications. I am learning so much about our legal system. I saw a man get a $10K bond because he sassed the judge, definitely not someone I would like to have a case in front of. I am phased by the rapidfire legal maneuvers done in court. It was amazing to see how pleas were made, terms mandated from the bench quickly and the docket for the AM session had well over 100 cases. Officer Oneill was there, he seemed unhappy about the continuance.


T -1

Tomorrow I go to face the reality of my deeds. I am in a good frame of mind and desire no troubles. My Jefe is an ass. She lost an important document and blames others for the loss. It is sad to be over 55 and assume no responsibility for your goof ups. Here's to you foggy grandma.

The day went on slowly, I finally broke down called blueyes and said hi. I am anxious, a bit nervous, but why? I'll get a continuance. Bought IPOD SHUFFLE.